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Subject: WS-BPEL Primer

Dear WS-BPEL Primer Subgroup,

Simon and I checked a new revision 1.6 of the WS-BPEL Primer into CVS (also
attached here). This revision contains substantial updates of the concepts
chapters 4-6. We consider chapters 4-6 ready for a review by the whole
WS-BPEL TC, which has been originally targeted for the second half of
   (See attached file: wsbpel-primer-draft.doc)

Additional comments:
 - All Editors: chapters 1-3, 8, and appendix A do not yet appear to be
ready for a TC review.
 - Charlton: chapter 7 has a number of places where concepts or even
definitions of WS-BPEL constructs are introduced. We believe that concepts
should be explained in chapters 4-6, and Simon and I are committed to
fixing holes there as they are discovered in the TC review. Instead, we
think that chapter 7 should focus more on applying these concepts to the
concrete business scenario.

Kind Regards
Dieter and Simon

             M@IBMUS                                                    To 
             17.01.2007 18:40          charlton_b@mac.com,                 
                                       Dieter Koenig1/Germany/IBM,         
                                       khanderao.kand@oracle.com, Simon D  
                                       Webinar and PR update notes from    
                                       Jan 17 call                         

Participants in today's call:  John Evdemon, Charlton Barreto, Khanderao
Kand, Chris Keller, Dieter Koenig, Allen Brookes, Frank Ryan, Simon Moser,
Mark Ford, Wu Chou.

Primer update:  Charlton, Simon and Dieter are still working on adding
material to the draft primer.  Following that, the team will need to work
on an overall editing pass and may want to add more sections.  Once that's
complete, we'll need to allow for at least a couple weeks for review by the
TC before its made public.  It doesn't appear likely that the work will be
able to complete before March.   We'll need to watch the calendar carefully
relative to the April deadline to transition to a new IPR policy or close
the TC.

Webinar update:  No major changes were made to the proposal to have two
webinars.  I've asked Dee Schur if this would be possible but haven't heard
back as yet.  We went ahead and made plans to finalize the abstracts for TC
review by next meeting on Jan 24.
For the  "What is BPEL" topic:  Dieter, Charlton and Frank expressed
interest in participating in the webinar.  Frank volunteered to flesh out
the abstract.  Dieter has sent a presentation deck that may be used as a
starting point.
For the "How to use BPEL" topic: John and Chris expressed interest in
participating and John volunteered to flesh out the abstract.  John is
working on a deck that may be used as a starting point.
We'll review these abstracts with the full TC at the Jan 24 meeting and if
ok, will send to Dee for webinar planning and invitation prep.  Others may
still volunteer to speak but if there are more than 3 volunteers per topic,
we'll some sort of selection process to not exceed the recommended max of 3

We also had some discussion on the possibility of arranging a demo.  The
main question is whether there are enough companies interested in doing
this to make it worthwhile.  It was proposed that the focus should be on
various engines executing the same process rather than trying to show
interop since the interop is provided by virtue of web services not BPEL
itself.  I'll start an email thread asking for interested parties for such
a demo.

John has looked at the "xxx.xml.org" sample sites that Dee suggested as
examples of what we could do for BPEL and noted that they seem to have
ongoing maintenance and updates to keep them current.  We deferred
consideration of this topic to a later timeframe.

Regards, Diane
IBM  Emerging Internet Software Standards
(919)254-7221 or 8-444-7221, Mobile: 919-624-5123, Fax 845-491-5709


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