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Subject: Re: [wsbpel] Groups - BPEL Primer work?

Hi John and others,
(cc'ing Primer list and Khanderao)

I have not got a chance to review the latest Primer copy yet.
And, Khanderao (who came to Oracle through Peoplesoft acquisition) would 
like contribute some changes also.

I guess having a conf call next week will be good. But, I think some of 
us will not be available in 8am-9am Pacific time Wednesday.


Alex Yiu

John Evdemon wrote:

>Its potentially the last bit of work left.
>Dieter/Simon/Charlton - are you guys up to wrapping this up?   I'm got a bit more to do and the stuff you guys did looked fairly complete - I wasn't sure how much detail you wanted to go into.    Should we schedule a call next week to discuss where we are?
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Mehta, Vinkesh (US - Austin) [mailto:vmehta@DELOITTE.com]
>>Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 9:18 AM
>>To: drj@us.ibm.com; wsbpel@lists.oasis-open.org
>>Subject: RE: [wsbpel] Groups - BPEL Primer work?
>>Is there any work currently being done for the BPEL Primer?
>>Vinkesh O.  Mehta
>>Manager,  Deloitte Consulting LLP
>>Mobile: + 1 512 750 2006
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