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wsrm-interop message

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Subject: Re: [wsrm-interop] FW: application level faults


I have asked the same question and never got an answer.

In my opinion, a general weakness of the WS Reliability spec, is it does not cover enough fault cases, where Fault messages should be sent back to sender


----- Original Message -----
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2003 14:55:55 -0500
To: "WSRM Interop Group (E-mail)"
Subject: [wsrm-interop] FW: application level faults

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark D. Hansen [mailto:khookguy@yahoo.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 2:48 PM
> To: WSRM-Implementers (E-mail)
> Subject: application level faults
> Suppose my RMP-Sender gets an ACK indicating that the message sent has been persisted at the receiving end and is now the responsibility of the RMP-Receiver.
> What if the receiver's application now generates a SOAPFault that is not a WSRM fault? How should this fault be propagated back to the sender?
> I realize that this is application level communication (not WRSM communication), but is has a lot of pra ctical importance.
> How are other implementers handling this?
> Thanks,
> Mark

Alan Weissberger

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