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Subject: Re: [wsrm-interop] October interop demonstration

NEC would not be prepared to do a demo in early October.

Mid October (2nd or 3rd week) would be OK

alan Weissberger

----- Original Message -----
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2004 16:04:11 -0400
Subject: [wsrm-interop] October interop demonstration

While it is still fairly unclear if Brussels will be the right forum for us, how many of you would be ready and willing to stage another interop demonstration to the current specification in the first week of October in Brussels?

Of course we will need to work on the demonstration tools and so forth.

This is just a straw poll.



Alan Weissberger
2013 Acacia Ct
Santa Clara, CA 95050-3482
1 408 863 6042 voice
1 408 863 6099 fax

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