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Subject: UDDI straw man - part 2

Hi all,

following our discussion I edited the straw man.
The follow on approach starts at page 7.

I also started to play around with the UDDI test registries offered by IBM
(https://uddi.ibm.com/testregistry) and Microsoft
Here I encountered one problem:
I wasn't able to add a producer reference to the Portlet's businessService
Here I was not able to reference the WSRP Producer Reference tModel (which
I set up) and to edit the keyvalue, i.e. add our tModel to the categoryBag.
It didn't work in both UIs, IBM & MS.

This seems weird, the API allows to do that (need to crosscheck), and I saw
similar approaches for such a usage of an categorization tModel in various
UDDI papers.

Klaus, do you happen to know how I can do that (see staw man pages 9 and 12
- publishing Portlets) ?
Or did I miss something?

(See attached file: WSRP-UDDI-Strawman.ppt)

Mit freundlichen Gruessen / best regards,

        Richard Jacob
IBM Lab Boeblingen, Germany
Dept.8288, WebSphere Portal Server Development
Phone: ++49 7031 16-3469  -  Fax: ++49 7031 16-4888
Email: mailto:richard.jacob@de.ibm.com


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