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Subject: RE: [wsrp-pfb] [UDDI#3] use of UDDI's wsdl address tModel

However, we may decide to not to support the v2 technote right from the
But on the other hand it specifies exactly what we want - indirection and
the wsdl being the authoritative source.

Mit freundlichen Gruessen / best regards,

        Richard Jacob
IBM Lab Boeblingen, Germany
Dept.8288, WebSphere Portal Server Development
Phone: ++49 7031 16-3469  -  Fax: ++49 7031 16-4888
Email: mailto:richard.jacob@de.ibm.com

|         |           Richard          |
|         |           Jacob/Germany/IBM|
|         |           @IBMDE           |
|         |                            |
|         |           01/19/2004 01:11 |
|         |           PM               |
  |                                                                                                                                                  |
  |       To:       Andre Kramer <andre.kramer@eu.citrix.com>                                                                                        |
  |       cc:       wsrp-pfb@lists.oasis-open.org                                                                                                    |
  |       Subject:  RE: [wsrp-pfb] [UDDI#3] use of UDDI's wsdl address tModel                                                                        |

exactly this would mean a 3rd reference here, sorry I miscounted the
tModels :-)

The Bindings tModel inherits wsdl-ness (I like that :-) ) but this only
expresses that the technical fingerprint is described in wsdl.
However usually the access point is the real endpoint.
While in our case the access point is the wsdl holding the endpoints.
This indirection is expressed by the WSDL Address tModel in the UDDI
technote v2.
Could you also verify this


Mit freundlichen Gruessen / best regards,

        Richard Jacob
IBM Lab Boeblingen, Germany
Dept.8288, WebSphere Portal Server Development
Phone: ++49 7031 16-3469  -  Fax: ++49 7031 16-4888
Email: mailto:richard.jacob@de.ibm.com

|         |           Andre Kramer     |
|         |           <andre.kramer@eu.|
|         |           citrix.com>      |
|         |                            |
|         |           01/19/2004 11:31 |
|         |           AM               |

  |       To:       wsrp-pfb@lists.oasis-open.org
  |       cc:
  |       Subject:  RE: [wsrp-pfb] [UDDI#3] use of UDDI's wsdl address

I had forgotten to ask about this. I noted that the wsrp_v1_Bindings tModel
does "inherit wsdl-ness" by use of the keyedReference "uddi-og:types" /
"wsdlSpec" (section 5.2.3).

But do we not already have 2 tModels: WSRP_Producer and WSRP_v1_Bindings,
so you are adding a 3rd WSDL Address tModel?


-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Jacob [mailto:richard.jacob@de.ibm.com]
Sent: 19 January 2004 09:51
To: wsrp-pfb@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [wsrp-pfb] [UDDI#3] use of UDDI's wsdl address tModel

The WSDL in UDDI V2 technote contains a section discussing WSDL as the
authoritative source for port access points in Appendix A.
It mandates to reference a tModel indicating that the access point is the
WSDL URL and that port endpoints must be retrieved from the WSDL.
Here is an excerpt of Appendix A:

"If a WSDL Implementation Document is being used then the bindingTemplate
MUST contain
sufficient information to identify the port address in the WSDL
Implementation Document.
The mapping described here MUST be used instead of the mapping defined in
section 2.4.5.
In all cases where a WSDL Implementation Document is used, the URLType
attribute of the
accessPoint corresponding to each port MUST be "other", and the value of
the accessPoint
MUST be the URL of the WSDL Implementation Document.
The bindingTemplate MUST contain a tModelInstanceInfo element with a
tModelKey of the
WSDL Address tModel. This tModelInstanceInfo element, in combination with
the protocol
and transport information from the binding tModel, provides the necessary
information to
locate and interpret the endpoint address."

This would mean that our Producer's bindingTemplate (currently we have only

one) would reference that tModel in addition.

Mit freundlichen Gruessen / best regards,

        Richard Jacob
IBM Lab Boeblingen, Germany
Dept.8288, WebSphere Portal Server Development
Phone: ++49 7031 16-3469  -  Fax: ++49 7031 16-4888
Email: mailto:richard.jacob@de.ibm.com

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