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Subject: Re: [wsrp-primer] Markup interface

Actually, it isn't that I don't think navState belongs in Markup, but 
that it may not belong in the Primer altogether, since it is, in my 
opinion, more advanced than basic. Perhaps the developer's list, when 
OASIS provides it, would be a better place to answer questions about 
those issues. However, I'm not going to hold up work on that account.

What I liked most out of your last refactoring, Subbu, and our 
discussion last week was the explanation for why we need to have 
markup fragments as portlets and not just rewrapped web pages. By 
extension, the necessity for making it possible to have different 
portlets from different producers on the same page as the lowest 
common denominator for the specification as a whole also makes some 
of the other issues that still need work a little easier to explain. 
That also provides a launching point for discussing CSS classes to 
ensure easy legibility and consistent look and feel.

Since my abstract for XML 2004 was accepted, I will be stretched a 
bit thin getting ready for it, (I have to oversee a couple of groups 
of developers learning WSRP and CAP), but I think I can find time 
before next week to rework the Markup Interface using everything we 
have discussed and submit it for review by next Thursday. As of now 
that will include keeping navigationalState with the 
portletStateChange flag and the two-step process for getMarkup() and 
performBlockingInteraction() because the new markup messages do 
handle that now. I will do my best to provide the motivational basis 
for navigationalState as a way to cut down on repeating getMarkup() 
calls and for page refresh and bookmarking purposes.

However, I really don't think it makes a lot of sense to get as 
deeply into "cloneBeforeWrite," "readWrite" and "readOnly" as the 
spec does.

If someone wanted to come up with a good way to simplify a basic 
explanation for state management in Markup, the same way the markup 
fragments explanation works, that would be very helpful. There are 
only so many ways to say that we have to allow for different portlets 
from different producers on the same page and updating different 
portlets from the same producer during a performBlockingInteraction() 
provides a benefit we decided to allow.

I would also be interested to hear other opinions.


At 1:49 PM -0600 6/15/04, Subbu Allamaraju wrote:
>Some comments from Rex during last week's call:
>a. It is good idea to set the motivation.
>b. But it is inconsistent to emphasize the motivation with sub-headings
>c. Should discussion on nav state belong the markup section?
>I'm posting these comments to the list to seek some comments/suggestions.
>Personally, I do think that we should set the motivation before 
>getting into details. I also agree with Rex that it may be 
>inconsistent to draw out subheadings for setting the motivation. 
>Given this, how about saying the same points without over 
>emphasizing with headings? I think we can still achieve the same 
>objective without.
>On the third point, based on the questions from portlet developers, 
>navigational state is an often confusing concept for non-portal web 
>developers. I personally think that the markup section motivate the 
>reason behind navigational state, and then show how can be used. The 
>messages I posted already illustrate navigational state.
>Rich Thompson wrote:
>>Based on questions I receive, it would be good to add a section 
>>describing usage of the CSS classes ... presuming someone will 
>>volunteer to author it of course.
>>*Subbu Allamaraju <subbu@bea.com>*
>>06/10/2004 09:30 AM
>>	wsrp-primer@lists.oasis-open.org
>>	[wsrp-primer] Markup interface
>>Based on the review comments we have had so far, I took a stab at
>>refactoring(?) the markup section. The outline is attached (includes
>>updated messages). I would like to hear your comments. Based on your
>>comments, we can pull the content from the current draft and expand.

Rex Brooks
GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison, Berkeley, CA, 94702 USA, Earth
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Email: rexb@starbourne.com
Tel: 510-849-2309
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