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Subject: Re: [wsrp-wsia] [I#154] Proposed Resolution: Rename "entity" to"portlet"

Thomas Schaeck wrote:
> We have to be very careful here since we have two different kinds of
> entities - it would make sense to rename "producer offered entities" to
> "portlets", but I don't think it would make sense to use the term "portlet"
> for "consumer configures entity".

But since a consumer configured entity is similar to a producer offered 
entity outside the entity management interface, why does the same term 
not apply to such entities? Am I missing something?



> Best regards,
> Thomas
> Rich Thompson/Watson/IBM@IBMUS on 12/09/2002 06:33:29 PM
> To:    wsrp-wsia@lists.oasis-open.org
> cc:
> Subject:    Re: [wsrp-wsia] [I#154] Proposed Resolution: Rename "entity" to
>        "portlet"
> This was a question we said at the Nov F2F that we would allow to sit for a
> few weeks. Seeing as there have been no replies to this issue, I propose
> that we resolve it by renaming entities to portlets throughout the spec.
> This aligns with the name of the spec and thereby will help guide the
> spec's readers.
> Rich Thompson
>                       Gil Tayar
>                       <Gil.Tayar@webcol        To:
>                       wsrp-wsia@lists.oasis-open.org
>                       lage.com>                cc:
>                                                Subject:  [wsrp-wsia]
>                       [I#154] Rename "entity" to "portlet" or
>                       11/24/2002 06:50          "portlet type"
>                       AM
> Issue: 154
> Status: Active
> Topic: general
> Class: Technical
> Raised by: Eilon Reshef
> Title: Rename "entity" to "portlet" or "portlet type"
> Date Added: 7-Nov-2002
> Document Section:
> Description:
> As the word "entity" is too general, and because we have finally given a
> name to the thing that we are "showing", why not rename entity to "portlet"
> or "portlet type"
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