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Subject: Re: [xdi] on global cross references and the link contract use case

Title: Re: [xdi] on global cross references and the link contract use case

What is the english difference between these two statements:




We can talk anytime. Just ping me.

Btw I absolutly agree that we need parentheticals.


From: Drummond Reed
To: Chasen, Les; giovanni.bartolomeo@uniroma2.it ; xdi@lists.oasis-open.org
Sent: Wed Nov 26 02:55:56 2008
Subject: RE: [xdi] on global cross references and the link contract use case

Les, I think on this topic we’d make more progress on a telecon/Webex session – what do you think about trying to have a special one on this topic next week?


That said, I’ll do my best to try answer your question, “Why does there need to be a distinction between the methods (the cross-reference method and the GCS delimiter method)?”


The short answer: each of these “methods” represents a separate feature of XRI syntax, and we need both features.


The long answer:


The first feature, syntactic cross-references, lets an XRI author reuse a URI or XRI from a different context by syntactically enclosing it in parentheses. For example:






We have a long history of use cases that need this functionality. John and I had discussion yesterday about whether we could live without some of that functionality, i.e., we asked, “Do we really need to allow both URIs and XRIs in cross-references?” It didn’t take long for us to conclude, “Yes.” We have always needed them to syntactically encapsulate URIs. But we also have many cases in which we need them for XRIs. For example, in XDI RDF we need to be able to put any multi-segment XRI representing an XDI RDF statement inside parentheses in order to turn it into a new single-segment XDI subject or object. Example:




This functionality is critical to reification in XDI RDF (which is a big selling point of XDI RDF because reification is so hard in standard RDF).


Conclusion #1: We need cross-references as a general capability of XRI syntax.



The second feature, GCS delimiters, lets an XRI author use an XRI directly in the subcontext of another XRI. As John pointed out in our discussion of this at the F2F, a subcontext is different than a cross-reference. A subcontext is when one identifier is used directly in the context of another. An example in English:


            international employment contract signature date


Each of these five English words has its own independent global meaning. Yet when used in an ordered set, each of the last four take on a special meaning when used in the context of the ones before it. For example, the ordered set of words “signature date” does not mean the same thing as either of the individual words “signature” or “date”.


The purpose of the GCS Delimiter proposal is to support exactly the same functionality in XRI syntax – the expression of an ordered set of XRIs, each in the subcontext of its precedents. For example:




Just like in the set of English words expressed as an ordered set above, this set of XRIs expressed as an ordered set does not have the same meaning as any of the XRIs individually. For example, the set of ordered XRIs $sig$d (signature date) does not identify the same resource as either of the individual XRIs $sig (signature) and $d (date).


Conclusion #2: We need ordered sets of XRIs as a general capability of XRI syntax.



Finally, the crux of the answer to “Why does a distinction need to be able to be made between the two methods?” is that neither provides the equivalent functionality of the other.


In the first case, ordered sets cannot provide the same functionality as cross-references because ordered sets do not allow syntactic encapsulation of identifiers from other contexts. They do not let a URI be used in the context of an XRI, for example, or permit encapsulation of XDI RDF statements as shown above.


In the second case, cross-references cannot provide the same functionality as ordered sets because a cross-reference is explicitly a reference to an identifier in _different_ context. That’s what makes it a “cross-reference” – it references across two contexts. For example, in the XRI...




…the cross-reference (mailto:drummond@example.com) is a reference to a URI rooted in the mailto: context.


However in an ordered set, you are not referencing across contexts. The context is the ordered set itself. For example, in $sig$d, the context for $d is $sig. That’s what makes it an ordered set.



Hope this helps,





From: Chasen, Les [mailto:les.chasen@neustar.biz]
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 5:37 PM
To: drummond.reed@cordance.net; giovanni.bartolomeo@uniroma2.it; xdi@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: [xdi] on global cross references and the link contract use case


Yes I did.  I still fail to see a reason for the distinction.  Saying that xdi requires this precision does not help me understand why the distinction is needed.  I repeat, these are all examples of putting a global xri into the context of another.  Why does a disinction need to be made between the methods?  I guess I also wonder why multiple methods are needed but for now I'll be happy to understand why there needs to be a distinction between them.


----- Original Message -----
From: Drummond Reed <drummond.reed@cordance.net>
To: Chasen, Les; 'Giovanni Bartolomeo' <giovanni.bartolomeo@uniroma2.it>; 'XDI' <xdi@lists.oasis-open.org>
Sent: Tue Nov 25 15:25:39 2008
Subject: RE: [xdi] on global cross references and the link contract use case

Les, did you read the first of the four XDI requirements presented in the
GCS Delimiter proposal?


In short, XDI RDF statements are extremely precise. For example, +x and (+x)
are not the same XDI subject. The first is the absolute XDI subject "+x" in
the current XDI context, and the second is a cross-reference to that XDI
subject in a different XDI context (not the current XDI context).

+x, *(+x), and !(+x) are even more different. The first is an absolute XRI
identifying an XDI subject in the current context. The second is a relative
reassignable XRI identifying an XDI subject in a different context. The
third is a relative persistent XRI identifying an XDI subject in a different

XDI RDF needs the precise semantics of all of these XRIs, and as explained
on the http://wiki.oasis-open.org/xri/XriThree/GcsDelimiter page, that
depends on each XRI not requiring any form of transformation to be used in
the context of another XRI. That's the key XDI requirement for the GCS
Delimiter proposal.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chasen, Les [mailto:les.chasen@neustar.biz]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 4:37 AM
> To: Giovanni Bartolomeo; XDI
> Subject: RE: [xdi] on global cross references and the link contract use
> case
> Hi Giovanni.  I had a chance to read this.  While I like what you guys
> are doing with link contracts I fail to understand why all of these
> examples do not work with XRI 2.0 style cross references.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Giovanni Bartolomeo [mailto:giovanni.bartolomeo@uniroma2.it]
> > Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 12:02 PM
> > To: XDI
> > Subject: [xdi] on global cross references and the link contract use
> > case
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > some weeks ago I mentioned that I was playing a bit with the
> > semantics of link contracts. Better to say, with the global cross
> > references applied to the link contract use case. After the issue of
> > XDI RDF model v.11, I put my thoughts in a document which you can find
> > below.
> > Maybe just semantic nuances, but your comments will be welcome.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Giovanni
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