Title BIAS -> CSD -> CSPRD -> Public Review
There are three parts to this ballot, the second two being contingent on the parent statement:

1: Do you approve to progress BIAS-v2.0-wd02.zip (referenced) to CSD 01?
1.1: Do you approve the aforementioned CSD 01 to become CSDPRD 01?
1.1.1: Do you approve the aforementioned CSDPRD 01 to go out for public review?

If you disagree with any part of the above three statements, please vote note and leave a comment as to why.
Ballot Options Ballot has closed
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
Opening Date Tue, Aug 23 2016 2:30 pm EDT
Closing Date Tue, Aug 30 2016 12:00 pm EDT
Ballot has closed.

Referenced Items

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