Title Defer VIRTIO-169: device and driver in-memory structure layouts - label and number
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I move that:
The TC agrees to defer resolving the following specification issue:
VIRTIO-169: device and driver in-memory structure layouts - label and number
While I appreciate that the use of C struct syntax is illustrative only, the in-memory structures it documents are normative.

And in a number of cases, those in-memory structures occur in the same numbered section, making reference to any specified in-memory structure uncertain.

Labeling and numbering the in-memory structures (to say nothing of adding anchors for remote pointing), would greatly improve the usefulness of this document.


The TC agrees that the issue will not be resolved for the revision
"virtio-v1.1-cs01" of the specification.

I can't see a way to label them without messing up formatting. That's not too
bad I think, since they're explicitly inline with surrounding text.

the issue is not new - it appears in virtio-v1.0-cs04 too.
And a similar issue was raised wrt tables:



Reminder: A Voting Member must be active in a TC to maintain voting rights.  As
the Virtio TC has adopted a standing rule to conduct business only by
electronic ballot, without Meetings, a Voting Member who fails to cast a ballot
in two consecutive Work Product Ballots loses his or her voting rights at the
close of the second ballot missed.

Ballot Options Ballot has closed
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
[ ] Abstain
Opening Date Fri, Mar 8 2019 12:15 am EST
Closing Date Fri, Mar 15 2019 12:15 am EDT
Ballot has closed.

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