Title Defer VIRTIO-177: "what follows" 4 instances; "below" 17 instances; "follows" 47 instances
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I move that:
The TC agrees to defer resolving the following specification issue:
VIRTIO-177: "what follows" 4 instances; "below" 17 instances; "follows" 47 instances
In terms of accessibility, "what follows," "below," and "follows" all inhibit the use of VIRTIO by users assisted by reading software.

Take 2.2 Feature Bits as an example:

"Feature bits are allocated as follows:

0 to 23 Feature bits for the specific device type

24 to 37 Feature bits reserved for extensions to the queue and feature negotiation mechanisms

38 and above Feature bits reserved for future extensions."

A sighted reader is clued in that 3 entries follow, but reading software does not offer, in this form, the same clue.


"Feature bits are allocated in three ways:

1. 0 to 23 Feature bits for the specific device type

2. 24 to 37 Feature bits reserved for extensions to the queue and feature negotiation mechanisms

3. 38 and above Feature bits reserved for future extensions."

Same text but now both sighted as well as assisted readers know there are 3 ways to allocate feature bits and each of those ways is numbered and recited to the reader.




The TC agrees that the issue will not be resolved for the revision
"virtio-v1.1-cs01" of the specification.

Accessibility is a very important topic to address.

However coming up with a better scheme won't be easy:
we'll need different changes in different places in code.

In the quoted example what follows is just a list in no particular order.
So saying "there are three ways" and numbering them would cause

Lots of accesibility sites warn against nesting of unordered lists
but avoiding them completely seems overbroad. See e.g.



Reminder: A Voting Member must be active in a TC to maintain voting rights.  As
the Virtio TC has adopted a standing rule to conduct business only by
electronic ballot, without Meetings, a Voting Member who fails to cast a ballot
in two consecutive Work Product Ballots loses his or her voting rights at the
close of the second ballot missed.

Ballot Options Ballot has closed
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
[ ] Abstain
Opening Date Fri, Mar 8 2019 1:00 am EST
Closing Date Fri, Mar 15 2019 1:00 am EDT
Ballot has closed.

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