OASIS LegalXML Electronic Court Filing TC

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Chair: James Cabral, InfoTrack US

OASIS Staff Contact: Kelly Cullinane


The charter of this TC may be located here.

Statements regarding IPR related to the work of this TC may be located here.


Using XML to create and transmit legal documents among attorneys, courts, litigants, and others.

Group Notes

Table of Contents


On Nov. 27, 2023, four Committee Specifications (ECF v4.1 and v5.01, Web Services SIP v4.1 and v5.01) and 1 Committee Note were published. Announcement

On April 18, 2019, two Committee Specifications were approved: Electronic Court Filing Version 5.0 and Electronic Court Filing Web Services Service Interaction Profile Version 5.0.

On July 7, 2015, the ECF Technical Committee approved Errata 02 for ECF 4.01. More Info

On July 14, 2014, the ECF Technical Committee approved Errata 01 for ECF 4.01. More Info

On June 7, 2013, Electronic Court Filing Version 4.01 was announced as an approved OASIS standard. ECF v4.01 is a maintenance release that addresses minor schema and definition issues. More Info

The ECF TC previously worked with the IJIS Institute to conduct a Springboard initiative establishing a certification capability based on the ECF 4.01 standard. Organizations interested in learning more about the Springboard ECF Initiative are invited to contact Scott Serich at scott.serich@ijis.org More Info

On May 30, 2014 the IJIS Institute announced that the Georgia Administrative Office of the Courts achieved ECF 4.01 certification. More Info


The OASIS Electronic Court Filing TC will develop specifications for the use of XML to create legal documents and to transmit legal documents from an attorney, party or self-represented litigant to a court, from a court to an attorney, party or self-represented litigant or to another court, and from an attorney or other user to another attorney or other user of legal documents.

The TC is affiliated with the OASIS LegalXML Member Section. For more information, see the TC Charter and FAQ

ECF Quick Start Guide

To gain a simple understanding of the ECF specification, and easily understand what is required to implement ECF in your enviroment, check out the 7 Steps to Electronic Filing with Electronic Court Filing 4.0.

  • Standardize integration methods in your e-Filing implementation with XML

  • Integrate with any potential e-Filing Service Provider or share e-Filing data between systems or with partners

  • Setup a single method of processing data related to e-Filing

  • Find out how to implement legal service in your e-Filing application

In the software industry today, and especially in the global justice space, there continues to be a strong movement toward the standardization of data definition and exchange methods, and it is often the desire of administrators and technologists throughout federal, state, local, and tribal governments to apply those standards. In reality, however, it is often overwhelming to review and fully comprehend the documentation accompanying those standards. This document attempts to minimize that factor for the OASIS Electronic Court Filing (ECF) specification, and allows the reader to completely understand what is required to implement the specification in their environment ... download the quick start guide to learn more


TC Tools and Approved Publications

Technical Work Produced by the Committee

Mailing Lists and Comments

legalxml-courtfiling: the list used by TC members to conduct Committee work. TC membership
required to post. TC members are automatically subscribed; the public may view archives.

legalxml-courtfiling-comment: a public mail list for providing input to the OASIS legalxml-courtfiling
Technical Committee members.

Send a comment or view archives.

Public Resources


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