UBL Small Business SC

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OASIS Staff Contact: James Bryce Clark


The UBL Small Business Subcommittee was created by the OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) Technical Committee. See

The charter of the UBL Small Business Subcommittee can be found at


The OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) Technical Committee agreed to suspend the activities of the UBL Small Business Subcommittee on 28 August 2019, until the release of UBL 2.3, after which the status of the committee will be reviewed. See

Group Notes

UBL Small Business Subcommittee Charter

Define a staged approach to UBL document support that prioritizes the most common use cases for the global small business community, while conforming with the complete UBL standard.

Statement of purpose

UBL has expanded to offer exhaustive coverage of the needs of businesses of all sizes and in all sectors, while still being extensible for the needs of particular geographies and industries.

However, in doing so, the onus on some technology partners in implementing the entire standard may be significant and prohibitive. This group aims to identify a minimal implementation set which allows small businesses with a smaller set of requirements to interchange electronic documents via any desired transport mechanism, including domestic and international e-invoicing networks.

This group also aims to keep pace with PEPPOL BIS standards and the needs of governments that have adopted UBL as the basis of their e-Invoicing initiatives. In this sense, the aim of this committee is not to compete with or supercede those implementations, but to leverage existing standards and national UBL implementations which can better facilitate interoperability between markets.

The Small Business Subcommittee is tasked with identifying requirements for the MSME community and to release among other deliverables, an implementation guide focussed on those requirements.

Scope of Work

  • To develop and document an implementation guide for UBL document support prioritizing the needs of small business.

  • To liaise regarding small business needs with other subcommittees in UBL as required.

  • To foster implementations of small business UBL to test the viability of UBL implementations in real-world scenarios. For example, accounting software vendors aiming to meet the needs of small businesses.

  • To develop informative materials as an aid to developers of UBL based applications and interfaces.

List of Proposed Deliverables

  • Small Business UBL Use Case

  • Small Business UBL Process Model(s)

  • Small Business UBL Implementation Guide

  • Other supporting documents as decided by the subcommittee

The original SBSC was chartered in February 2005:


The work continued until it was suspended at the end of April 2008:


The documents accumulated at the time have been preserved in an archive folder of this subcommittee's documents and are not considered current in regard to the continuing work efforts.

In April 2018 the SBSC was revived with a revised charter:


In November 2018 the SBSC the charter was revised:


In August 2019 the committee was suspended until after the release of UBL 2.3.


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