
Draft (A preliminary unapproved sketch, outline, or version.)


Submitted By Jeff Waters on 2010-03-05 1:50 pm UTC

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OASIS Emergency Management TC / Outreach

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EDXL-HAVE Schema and Examples

The contents of this folder contain everything you need to
validate and explore the XML examples of the Emergency Data
Exchange Language - Hospital Availability Exchange(HAVE) Standard.
The contents include:

(1) The HAVE Schema, see edxl-have.xsd, and the Distribution Element (DE)
schema, see de.xsd.

(2) Other schema imported by the HAVE schema, including Geo-Oasis-Where
(geo-oasis.xsd) and Customer Information Quality (CIQ)
Party Information Language (xPIL.xsd)

(3) Schema needed by the imported schema

(4) The White Paper "The Hospital Availability Exchange (EDXL HAVE) Standard:
A Flexible and Convenient Way to Report the Status of Your
Medical Facility" (See EDXL-HAVE-Basics-WhitePaper-06Oct09-r14.doc.)

(5) All the xml examples from the White Paper Appendices, see the .xml files
that begin "WP_Appendix...".

(6) The OASIS EDXL HAVE Specification itself, see
emergency_edxl_have_1.0-spec-os.pdf. Note that the example from Appendix A
of the specification does not validate; however, a cleaned-up version of
the example is in Appendix A of the White Paper and is one of the xml
examples included here (see WP_Appendix_A_Example.xml)

(7) Also one more very complete example of HAVE, see complete_example_v1.xml.

With these materials, you should be able to load up any of the
examples into your favorite XML editor, validate them to confirm
they are consistent with the specification, and then explore.