02968: BIAS -> CSD -> CSPRD -> Public Review

Draft (A preliminary unapproved sketch, outline, or version.)


Submitted By Mr. Kevin Mangold on 2016-08-30 4:04 pm UTC

Publication Type

None at this time.

Group / Folder

OASIS Biometric Services (BIOSERV) TC / System Ballot Results

Modified by

Not modified.


This document is not a copy.

Technical Contact

None at this time.

Download Count


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None at this time.


There are three parts to this ballot, the second two being contingent on the parent statement: 1: Do you approve to progress (referenced) to CSD 01? 1.1: Do you approve the aforementioned CSD 01 to become CSDPRD 01? 1.1.1: Do you approve the aforementioned CSDPRD 01 to go out for public review? If you disagree with any part of the above three statements, please vote note and leave a comment as to why.