Changes from SitRep Working Draft 22 to Working Draft 23 -------------------------------------------------------- In short, there were some incorrect import statements and non-working examples in WD22, so the changes from WD22 to WD23 were minor, just to clean up the examples and fix the import statements. The changes were made and validated in the Oxygen XML tool; however, other reviewers noted that the examples did not validate in some other parsers. This led to an tracking down all the reasons why XML parsers and tools vary and what we should do about it. In the end, we attempted to provide Proxy files in the example folders for those parsers partial to importing only one file (e.g. Notepad++ with XML Tools plugin), and to ensure we included all needed schema to validate offline (i.e. preventing the xml tools that were otherwise silently ingesting schema (or DTDs) from the web or from their own catalog files). It's hard to explain all the twists and turns and parser quirks and import challenges we uncovered; however, if you are interested, you can review the background notes provided in the document available at . Otherwise, the changes from WD22 to WD23 is provided below. WD22 to WD23 List of Changes ---------------------------- (1) The "examples" folder ---------------------------- The "examples" folder in WD22 contained a number of xml examples that used the old Distribution Element (DE1) and were otherwise out-of-date (based on an older version of SitRep) and did not validate. The examples folder was redone with two new subfolders: (a) "de1examples" contains an xml example (RandomIOSitRep-CasualtyAndIllness0.xml) using DE1 (edxl-de-v1.0.xsd). This example should validate in Oxygen or XMLSpy. This subfolder also contains another version of the same xml example (RandomIOSitRep-CasualtyAndIllness0_withProxy.xml) that only uses a single import of a Proxy file (testProxy.xsd). This latter xml file is the version of the example that will validate in parsers that only want one import statement, e.g. Notepad++. (b) "de2examples" contains an xml example (WP_Appendix_C_Example_DE_2_ver05_9.xml) that uses DE2 (found in the subfolder "de2-supporting-schema"). This example should validate in Oxygen or XMLSpy. Another version of the example is provided which only imports a single Proxy file for those parsers that prefer this version. ---------------------------- (2) schemas/supportingElements/edxl-ct-v1.0-csd06/edxl-ct-v1.0.xsd ---------------------------- The import statements were fixed to point to the correct schema locations: -----BEFORE: ------AFTER ---------------------------- (3) schemas/supportingElements/edxl-ext-v1.0/edxl-ext-v1.0.xsd ---------------------------- The import statement was fixed to point to the correct schema location: -----BEFORE: -----AFTER: ---------------------------- (4) schemas/supportingElements/edxl-gsf-v1.0-csd02/edxl-gsf-base.xsd ---------------------------- The import of the xlink schema, and the prefix allocation for the xlink namespace, were both removed, since xlink wasn't being used in this schema and it was causing import issues (see Background Notes ). -----BEFORE -----AFTER -----BEFORE -----AFTER (commented out) ---------------------------- (5) schemas/supportingElements/edxl-gsf-v1.0-csd02/edxl-gsf-v1.0.xsd ---------------------------- The prefix allocation for the xlink namespace was removed, since it wasn't being used and it was causing import issues (see Background Notes ) -----BEFORE -----AFTER (xmlns:xlink removed) ---------------------------- (6) schemas/supportingElements ---------------------------- The xlink.xsd and xml.xsd schema were added. These schema were being used but were being pulled silently from the web or from the Oxygen catalog. Now they are here and can be imported directly. This ensures validation occurs even when disconnected from web and any catalog. ---------------------------- (7) schemas/EDXLSitRep-v1.0.xsd ---------------------------- One of the import statements was fixed to point to the correct schema location and one outdated attempt to define an element of type "ext:ExtensionType" was fixed to be a ref to "ext:extension". -----BEFORE -----AFTER -----BEFORE -----AFTER