EbXML-CPPA Negotiation SubTeam Notes, February 6, 2002


Minutes: Heiko Ludwig


Kevin Liu (until 10:35 UTC)

Heiko Ludwig

Dale Moberg

Himagiri(Hima) Mukkamala

Marty Sachs

Administrative Issues

Hima will host the March telephone calls.

There is no call on February 13, 2002.

There shall be a Web page for the negotiation subteam. The password is still not available. The final version of the requirements document and the minutes shall be put on the Web server. Marty will put the documents on the server after the call of February 20, 2002.

Change to the Negotiations Requirements Document and Closing of the Document:

The ebXML logo will be added to the cover page

A UML activity diagram or equivalent of the negotiation process will be added to the deliverables list.

A table of contents will be added.

With these changes, the Negotiation Requirements Document will be closed.

Discussion of the Negotiation Details Document

Proposed modifications to the document:

The team waits for the 3 working parties that contribute specific aspects before continuing the discussion of the document.

Discussion Dale and Marty: To enable CPA templates we need to extend the CPPA schema to allow empty values. This issue is to be discussed in the context of the whole CPPA team, not only on the subteam level.

Discussion of the Negotiation Pattern

The discussion has been postponed to the next meeting on February 20, 2002.