CPA Negotiation Conference Call Minutes – 08 May, 2002

taken by Peter Ogden




Marty Sachs (IBM)

Dale Moberg (Cyclone Commerce)

Peter Ogden (Cyclone Commerce)

Neelakantan Kartha (Sterling)


General Discussion


Dale posted a list of  attributes/elements from the CPPA examples which could serve as the starting point for the “list of negotiable items”. These should be pulled into his spreadsheet, and then we need to determine “what” (values, cardinality, presence, etc.) about each can be negotiated and what the limits/ranges for negotiation should be.


Dale will prepare the spreadsheet with the items loaded in the order that they appear in the CPP/A spec. Then, we’ll divide them up in “clusters” and asside to team members for fleshing out.


The sparsely attended call was adjourned at 3:25pm EDT.