CPA Negotiation Conference Call Minutes � 17 April, 2002

taken by Peter Ogden


Marty Sachs (IBM)

Heiko Ludwig (IBM)

Jamie Clark

Dale Moberg (Cyclone Commerce)

Peter Ogden (Cyclone Commerce)

Himagiri Mukkamala (Sybase)


Marty solicited sponsorship for next month�s conference calls � Hima will check.

General Discussion

Marty began by giving a brief report on Online Dispute Resolution conference call he attended earlier today. This call was a �kickoff� for a new OASIS working group; and one of the items on the agenda had to do with how ebXML CPAs could be tied in. �Legal XML� was also discussed.

Last week, Marty/Heiko/Kartha began reviewing Kartha�s �Potential Components of the NDD� document. Marty mentioned that they started organizing Kartha�s suggested NDD components into buckets:

  1. not negotiable because of subject matter
  2. negotiable in principle but complex and likely to require human intervention
  3. negotiable by an automated process

We discussed CollaborationRole�s categorization as #2. The primary reason for this categorization had to do with the complexity of handling multiple collaboration roles within a single CPP. Dale suggested that alternatively, and in order to achieve �autonegotiability� (my word, not his), we could stipulate that within a negotation session only one role for each party would be allowed, and that the roles could be specified in the NDD. Negotiation between parties playing multiple roles would, then, require multiple negotiation sessions.

We continued by discussing the �kinds of things� that might be negotiable in general. Whether or not these are ultimately negotiable between two specific parties can be controlled by the NDD. In other words, we might decide that whether or not a fallback transport is required is negotiable, but a party that is unwilling to collaborate without a fallback transport could make it non-negotiable in the NDD.

Dale said he would organize his thoughts about negotiating security parameters.

Jamie asked whether we could defer discussion of negotiating business process and messaging characteristics till next week so he can prepare.

The call was adjourned at 3:45pm EDT.