Minutes of CPPA Negotiation Conference Call Feb. 26, 2003

Attendees:  Marty Sachs, Monica Martin, Kartha Neelakantan


Kartha will host the March calls.


Kartha pointed out that there are three main items to be done, as discussed in his recent comments on the draft specification. He proposed doing work on these prior to the San Diego meeting.


1.      Check whether there is sufficient support for PKI infrastructure in the NDD and messages.

2.      Make sure that the messages support the interactions suggested by the NDD.

3.      Make sure that BPSS support is correct and consistent, especially regarding the end stage of the negotiation. This should precede any updating of the text, which is already not consistent with the BPSS instance.


Kartha will work on #2. Monica will work on #3.  #1 awaits a volunteer.


Monica brought up the interrogation service being discussed by the MSG team.  She has encouraged the MS team to look into the work of the negotiation team. She recommended arranging joint discussions in San Diego.


The call was adjourned at 3:30 PM US Eastern time.


Respectively submitted,


Martin Sachs