The folowwing table contains all the requirements currentl identified for future release of the ebXML Mesaging Service
Number | Description | Notes | Type | Raised By | Release |
1 | What about dealing with SOAP1.2? We could prepare to have a version compatible with SOAP1.2 when it changes status to PR or REC. That would involve some namespace changes and a change to the HTTP Binding as well as treatment of attachments. | Sepcification | Chris Ferris | 3.0 | |
2 | Capture, answer and resolve any question and issues raised against version 2.0 | General | Ian Jones | 3.0 | |
3 | The Business interface layer has never been written - do we still need it? | Specification | Ian Jones | 3.0 | |
4 | A document to describe the minimum implementation. | Documentation | Ian Jones | 3.0 | |
5 | A primer/introduction to the messaging service. | Documentation | Ian Jones | 3.0 | |
6 | The IIC TC is producing a conformance test/suite/documentation for version 2.0, the MSG TC will support this work. | Documentation | Ian Jones | 3.0 | |
7 | Encryption (encrypt the entire document including MIME headers) | Specification | David Fischer | 3.0 | |
8 | Forwarding/Multi-hop (especially with the identified problems with Signatures) | Specification | David Fischer | 3.0 | |
9 | Third-Party Processing (Intermediate Timestamps...) | Specification | David Fischer | 3.0 | |
10 | Chunking (sending extremely large files in pieces) | Specification | David Fischer | 3.0 | |
11 | Now that XML Encryption is a W3C candidate recommendation, we ought to figure out how it is to be used in conjunction with ebMS. | Specification | Arvola Chan | 3.0 | |
12 | We also may want to coordinate with the CPP/A team to determine how intermediaries ought to be configured. | Specification | Arvola Chan | 3.0 | |
13 | Future releases should be backward compatible to version 2.0. | Specification | Duane Nickull | All | |
14 | Query supportted versions and funcionality - This needs to relate to CPPA discovery may duplicate function but could be usefull in a Web Service framework. | Specification | Ian Jones | 3.0+ | |
15 | Include SAML based authentication of MSH's and ebXML message originating parties. | Specification | Zahid Ahmed | 3.0 |