The new issue process is now enforced. A issue can be raised and added to the issue list only if (1) at least three members are agreed to consider it an issue, or (2) it is a supplementary thing related to the previous decision of TC and need to be clarified.
The new issue process is effective on 2001-08-02. A issue can be raised by anyone, and it'll get "proposed" status. After TC discuss it the first time, TC will decide to either (i) change it to "open" status or (ii) close it if it was resolved.
Status: resolved Category: core
Voted unanimously to resolve this issue by allowing elements with no declared children tp have whitespace.
Status: resolved Category: core
"except" and "butNot" by jjc. TC is open to other suggestions.
TC's general feeling was, there is no good reason to change it. On 5/31/2001, TC has decided to close this issue without any action until someone bring up a new material.
Status: resolved Category: core
In 2001/06/28, TC decided that RELAX NG processors should honor xml:base.
Status: resolved Category: core
the original post suggests to introduce syntax sugars to match frequently used wildcard patterns. Namely,
Some concerns that whether this was important enough to be worth a special syntactic abbreviation. No conclusion was reached.
On 5/31/2001, TC decided to drop this feature for ver.1. Reasons that mentioned are (1) it's not a good practice so it's good to keep it slightly cumbersome, (2) we don't lose the expressiveness of RELAX NG, (3) it's less frequently used, (4) and adding it at the later moment is easier than dropping it at the later moment.
Status: resolved Category: core
jjc suggests form="prefixed|unprefixed" or form="qualified|unqualified" (the same as XML Schema).
Just as a possibility, jjc also mentioned to split <attribute> to two different elements, just like we did for the parent attribute of the <ref> element.
On 5/31/2001, TC decided to close this issue with no-action-required.
James reported that the semantics of the global attribute can be achieved by using the name element, instead of the name attribute. So TC has decided to remove the global attribute from the attribute pattern (7/12/2001).
Status: resolved Category: core
Status: resolved Category: core
Murata-san reported that RELAX Namespace will use <framework> for its root element. Therefore, RELAX NG will keep using the name <grammar>.
Status: resolved Category: core
Status: resolved Category: core
This issue is merged into the "datatype and identity constraint" issue.
Decided to introduce <oneOrMoreToken> and <zeroOrMoreToken> patterns to produce list.
Status: resolved Category: core
(a) Put a version in the RELAX NG namespace URI (by jjc)
(b) Use a version attribute on the root element (by jjc)
Input from Eric van der Vlist obtains:
He suggests to have both (a) and (b)
Input from John Cowan obtains:
He suggests to use FPI (kk: kind of URN?)
In the 5/3 telecon, we've decided to use a proposal (a). See the detail of this proposal
Status: resolved Category: core
Input from Josh Lubell obtains:
He wants to have this because of his own experiences
Input from Kohsuke Kawaguchi obtains:
He suggests that this feature can be provided outside of the core spec (as a pre-processor like tool).
TC is still not convinved whether this feature is imporant enough to be added.
The decision is made (but tentatively) to drop this feature from version 1.
Status: resolved Category: core
James Clark proposed to change attribute name to more sutaible one, but none is suggested by anyone.
John Cowan suggests adding optional "grammar" attribute to "ref" element and thereby introducing the ability to refer to any ancestor grammar.
On 5/31/2001, TC decided to use <parentRef name="..."/> instead of <ref name="..." parent="true"/>. So now we have <ref>,<externalRef>, and <parentRef>.
Status: resolved Category: core
A comment from Jeni Tennison has re-opened this issue. Here is a quote from his post to relax-ng-comments:
I'd like to be able to restrict the contents of the xs:restriction element based on its base attribute, but only for certain values. So if its base attribute is "xs:decimal" then it could contain xs:totalDigits but if it's "xs:string" then it can't, and so on. However, if it's not a name in the 'xs' namespace, then I want to allow any content. Best would be to exclude all QName values with a particular namespace, but XMLSchema-datatypes doesn't offer that as a facet (and therefore RELAX NG doesn't have it as a parameter). I don't want to use the 'pattern' parameter to test the names because that would undermine the namespace awareness of the schema. I thought I could create a pattern that didn't match particular enumerated values, but I can't find a way to do so. What I'm looking for is something like: <choice> <group> <attribute name="foo"> <value>bar</value> </attribute> <element name="bar"><empty /></element> </group> <group> <attribute name="foo"> <!-- not current RELAX NG --> <not> <value>bar</value> </not> <!-- /not current RELAX NG --> </attribute> <element name="baz"><empty /></element> </group> </choice> This use case would imply that the difference element would be useful outside name classes as well.
It is easy to implement validators if the use of <difference> p1 p2 </difference> is limited in such a way that both p1 and p2 matches one token and one token only (e.g., <data>, <value>, choices of those things.)
So it looks like a good advancement in the functionality with a very small cost. Do we want to have <difference> in this restricted fashion?
Also, if we add <difference>, then we can (or should) also allow <not> P </not> as a syntax sugar of
<difference><data type="string"/> P </difference>
TC has voted not to adopt the functionality (the original proposal of allowing <difference> to any patterns) for ver.1.0. But it is re-opened now.
For the problem pointed out by Jeni Tennison, TC has decided to adopt a new syntax based on James' proposal. A new issue related to this one is opened to further discuss this proposal (2001/06/28).
Status: resolved Category: core
Status: resolved Category: core
Status: resolved Category: core
Status: resolved Category: core
Various people sugges various names (including, but not limited to, TRELAX, TryRELAX, RELAXED, RELEX, REFLEX, RELAX XML Schema, TREELAX, RELAX 2, EXLAX, etc, etc.
One of the concern is whether we should include "XML Schema" in the name.
Update(May,3rd): jjc suggests "RELAX something" for various reasons (see minutes of May,3rd telecon). In response, "RELAX NG" (next generation, I guess) and RELAX++ are proposed. Other post-fixes are welcome.
Names suggested after the telecon includes URELAX, iRELAX, and TRELAX. The editor feels that RELAX NG establishes some degree of popularity.
We will use "RELAX NG" and its pronunciation will be "relaxing."
Status: resolved Category: core
The current spec already has several restrictions that prevents problematic situations.
Some argues that the current restrictions still have something to be desired.
TC decided to adopt the restriction proposed in the post of James Clark (2001/06/21).
Status: resolved Category: core
Currently, RELAX NG allows patterns like
<attribute name="foo"><attribute name="..." /></attribute>
<attribute name="foo"><element name="..." /></attribute>
Should we explicitly prohibits them?
(original posts [1] [2] ).Those malformed patterns cannot accept anything: any RELAX NG processors can safely replace those malformed patterns by <notAllowed /> without changing semantics.
So at least it doesn't confuse processors.
Murata-san suggests to "implementations SHOULD issue a warning" for a pattern that matches the following condition: that is, <attribute> pattern that "directly or indirectly contain other <attribute> or <element> patterns" after the normalization.
In the conference call of 2001/06/14, we voted to make this situation as an error that must be reported by processors. One of the reasons was the lack of good use cases that make use of <attribute>/<element> in <attribute>
Status: resolved Category: core
RELAX NG pattern is currently sensitive to the order of <define> element or order of <include> element because of the redefinition capability.
However, this sensitivity can be removed by restricting redefinition to only under <include> element (like XML Schema). But this restriction also limits the expressiveness of RELAX NG.
Should we introduce this restriction to make RELAX NG pattern order-insensitive language? Is this worth the cost of limiting language expressiveness?
( original posts )One of the touchstone will be XHTML modularization. kk wrote that the proposal #1 does not work and #2 does with XHTML m12n.
The proposal #3 with its amendment is adopted.
Status: resolved Category: core
RELAX NG allows patterns like
<element name="joe"> <attribute name="foo"> ... </attribtue> <attribute name="foo"> ... </attribtue> </element>
Can we prohibit patterns like this? If so, how can we do that?
( the original post )The GNF normalization can detect such a condition. However, since it is a time-consuming operation, it may not be suitable to mandate the enforcement of this constraint.
Murata-san proposed that "implementations MAY issue warning messages" by using the GNF normalization.
Jjc proposed that for every <group> p1 p2 </group>, "the set of possible attribute names occuring in p1 must be disjoint from those occuring in p2." (The present author believes that the same restriction is necessary for <interleave/>.)
Another proposal made by M-san introduces a new primitive <multipleAttributes> NC P </multipleAttribuets> that has the built-in "zero-or-more" semantics.
Status: resolved Category: core
XML Schema Part 2 has capability to
But our language is also capable of doing above three.
So if we use XML Schema Part 2 as the only datatype vocabulary, we should consider dropping some of the redundant capability. (That is, restricting choices of <data>s, for example).
( the original post )jjc suggests to close this with "no-action required" because he wants to keep a distance from XML Schema Part 2.
We decided not to use the syntax of W3C XML Schema Part 2 for defining datatypes. Therefore, the overlap no longer exists.
Status: resolved Category: core
We currently allow <grammar> elements to be nested. That is, grammar can be used just like any other patterns.
Murata-san wants to prohibit this because it may interfere with future namespace-based modularization (as currently seen in RELAX and XML Schema).
( the original post )"Namespace-based modularization" means that one module is responsible for one namespace. In my personal opinion (and probably Murata-san's), this is vital for multi-lingual validation, where multiple schema languages cooperates to validate one document.
Murata-san said he is willing to retract this if someone can convince him that nested grammar doesn't possibly interfere with such modularization.
Murata-san retracted his objection in 2001/6/7. This issue was then resolved as no-action-required.
Status: resolved Category: core
This issue is arose by merging several issues.
The first objective was to introduce the identity constraint functionality in our new language. Then we've found that this issue is related to how our language treats datatypes.
It starts with a series of posts by jjc that describes possible features [multipart key] , [typed key] , [scoped key] , [multiple key symbol spaces] , and [keys in element] .
Those posts are about possible features, but how those requirements affect the design is generally unclear. The editor believes that one thing that has developed in telcon is that we don't need any path expression if we abandon multipart keys.
In 5/3 telcon, we've made some degree of consensus about the above requirements (see minutes).
After the telcon, jjc posts his two proposals.
So now it is discovered that without greater involvement to datatypes, we can't use anonymous (or user-defined) types in key/keyref. This discovery leads to another proposal from jjc.
"datatypes #1". This post proposes how to declare new datatypes under the control of our language and how to declare key/keyref constraint.
What's important here is "under the control of our language". RELAX NG allows datatype library(DTLIB) to use its own syntax to declare new types. But in this proposal, every DTLIB is required to use the syntax of this proposal (to make type equivalence test possible).
Datatypes #2 ("the proposal of the day"). Roughly speaking, this is a simplified version of "datatypes #1", which "I(jjc) hope will be able to command consensus."
The difference with the previous proposal is that this one doesn't have the concept of "derivation". That means you can't add facets to your type once you defined it.
Kohsuke KAWAGUCHI also proposes the most simple version.
"Back to the basic" proposal. This one tries to mimic DTD's ID/IDREF capability.
The above "datatypes #2" proposal is adopted. We use the following syntax to define enumeration:
<choice> <token type="xsd:integer"> 5 </token> <token type="xsd:integer"> 2 </token> </choice>
And the following syntax to define a datatype:
<data type="xsd:integer"> <param name="minInclusive"> 5 </param> <param name="maxExclusive"> 8 </param> </data>
For many other details, see the minutes of the conference call. (Not available at this moment.)
Status: resolved Category: core
We need a namespace URI for the new language.
jjc suggests "" where m.n is the version number.
M-san suggets "" so that we can accommodate related namespace URIs. For "something", jjc suggests "structure".
In the 5/31/2001 conference call, several persons speak in favor of HTTP-based URI.
Also, "core" is proposed along with "main" and "structure".
is choosen.
Status: resolved Category: core
TREX allows the following pattern.
<oneOrMore> <element> ... </element> <attribute> ... </attribute> </oneOrMore>
In the computer science terminology, this is beyond the power of the "regular language". And therefore problematic for applications.
Shall we avoid this excessive expressiveness? If so, how?
In the above post, M-san suggests to restrict <oneOrMore> and <zeroOrMore> to either
jjc proposes the following restriction: "If a <oneOrMore> element has an <attribute> descendant, it must not have a <group> or <interleave> descendant."
KK suggests the following restriction: "If <group> or <interleave> is used under <oneOrMore>, then it cannot contain any <attribute>."
The TC decided to adopt the restriction by KK.
Eric van der Vlist (
Status: resolved Category: core
RELAX NG uses QName to
But for some, use of QNames in this way is something they want to avoid.
Can we avoid using QNames? If so, shall we avoid using QNames? If so, how?
Eric proposed to declare the prefix-URI mappings in another independent way, as follows:
<namespace prefix="e" uri=""/> <data type="e:integer"/>
Here is the original post.
The editor believes Eric also had an alternative proposal, which write URIs every time, like this:
<data namespace="" type="integer"/>
jjc suggests to introduce a new attribute "datatypeNamespace", which propagates like the "ns" attribute. This proposal will address the problem of using QNames for datatypes.
Murata-san opposes the use of QNames and proposes the following alternative solutions.
Another proposal made by jjc utilizes <div> elements to declare namespaces.
Several more proposals were also made. See the thread starting from here for details.
Some people (including the present editor, for the full disclosure) don't like to use QName in values for some reasons, including:
On the other hand, QName is easier to write for humans, and less verbose. And some people think the use of QNames is unavoidable.
Also, TC seems to have a consensus that RELAX NG grammar should be able to be written without using XML Namespace, if the author prefers so (because for many people XML namespace is still a new technology.)
In 2001/06/07, TC has voted to retain the current status; that is, use @ns to specify the default namespace and allow element/attribute names to have QNames.
Status: resolved Category: core
<oneOrMoreToken> and <zeroOrMoreToken> are adopted to make lists of strings possible. But it is discovered that a new pattern, namely <list>, can clone the semantics of <***OrMoreToken> patterns and simplify both implementations and the spec.
The above original post contains the semantics of <list> pattern.
<***OrMoreToken> patterns do not allow us to have something like "a list of 4 integers", which is possible under W3C XML Schema. This proposal makes the list capability of RELAX NG more expressive than W3C XML Schema.
On 5/31/2001, TC has decided to adopt this proposal and removes <oneOrMoreToken> and <zeroOrMoreToken>.
Status: resolved Category: core
Currently, the symbol spaces of key/keyref are global. So two independently-authored grammars may accidentaly use the same key name. Is there any solution to this?
Sometimes, an author wants to refer to keys that another author wrote. That makes restriction difficult.
TC is now waiting for the public comments.
TC has decided to adopt the proposal from James Clark, which extends symbol space name to QName.
Status: resolved Category: core
Should it be OK to have a redefinition (<define> inside <include>) when that redefined pattern is not defined in the included file?
Consider the following example:
A.rng <grammar> <include href="B.rng"/> <include href="C.rng"> <define name="foo"> ... </define> </include> B.rng <grammar> <define name="foo"> ... </define> </grammar> C.rng: <grammar/>
(Quoting from jjc's post) "If the user has done this, then they have probably made a mistake. On the other hand the semantics are clear. We can either make this an error or suggest that implementations give a warning."
TC has decided that such a redefinition has to be rejected. And an algorithm to detect this situation is available at the thread strating from here.
Status: resolved Category: core
<grammar> <define name="foo"> ... </define> <define name="foo" combine="choice"> ... </define> </grammar>
Shall RELAX NG keep the same restriction, or not?
Quoting from jjc's post: " I found myself confused by this when reading RELAX grammars. I would find a reference to a label foo, then look for an elementRule foo; when I found it, I would assume it's the only definition. My assumption would be incorrect, and I would therefore misunderstand the schema (though eventually of course I would notice the other definitions and understand correctly). The other side of the argument is that this is an extra complication, and makes things slightly harder to explain. "
TC has decided to allow this (in 2001/6/7 conference call)
Status: closed Category: core
TC approved the description in the current spec (which is intentionally silent about the context information.) So this action is closed with no action.
Status: resolved Category: core
It looks problematic to allow <element>s/<attribute>s within a <list> (may be it's not). We may want to restrict patterns that are allowed inside <list>.
This issue should be considered along with the issue #19 and #21.
KK suggested to prohibit attributes inside list.
TC seems to have a consensus that these should be prohibited.
It is discovered that it is possible to modify the implementation to correctly process elements/attributes inside a list.
Status: resolved Category: core
Status: resolved Category: core
Jeni Tennison <>
Status: resolved Category: core
Currently, <not> pattern can only have one operand, and <not>p</not> is considered as the syntax sugar of <difference><anyName/>p</difference>. Ms.Tennison suggests that we can change <not> to have multiple operands by modifying its definition as:
<not>p1 p2 ...</not>
as equivalent of
<difference> <anyName/> <choice> p1 p2 ... </choice> </difference>
This change is relatively easy because <not> is just a syntax sugar and it doesn't affect any other part of the spec. And as Ms.Tennison said, this "would be more convenient".
TC has decided to close this issue with no-action-required (2001/06/21). The reason was that <not> is inherently an unary operator, and semantics might become obscure if we allow multiple operands.
TC will revisit this issue when someone suggests to change the name of <not>.
Jeni Tennison <>
Status: resolved Category: core
Currently, our (conceptual) interface to datatype libraries is defined in such a way that the following pattern matches the following instance.
pattern: <?xml version="1.0"?> <element name="root" xmlns="" ns="" datatypeLibrary=""> <!-- note that the value is unqualified --> <value type="QName">foo</value> </element> instance: <root xmlns="" xmlns:rng=""> rng:foo </root>
Because the unqualified QName value is considered to have the namespace URI of the defefault namespace. In this case, that is the namespace URI of RELAX NG, and this behavior is probably not what people want.
If we modify the spec to resolve unqualified prefix to the value of "ns" attribute, instead of the default namespace URI of the pattern file, then the above pattern would match the following instance:
instance: <root xmlns="" xmlns:rng=""> foo </root>
The other resolution would be simply to close this issue without no action required.
In 2001/06/21, TC decided that the default namespace should come from the ns attribute, rather than the xmlns default namespace.
Status: resolved Category: core
Allowing <list> doesn't buy anything. Should we prohibit that?
In 2001/06/21 conference call, we decided to prohibit them as an compile-time error.
Status: resolved Category: core
Here is the original post.
Although there are several algorithms for manipulating name classes, the name class, especially <difference>, make it look compilicated. And even if it only look complicated, it still discourage implementors.
However, it is possible to change the primitives to make it look simple, while still preserving the same expressiveness.
Here is the proposed new syntax.
name-class ::= name-class-literal | <t:anyName/> | <t:anyNsName ns="namespaceURI"/> | <t:anyNsNameExcept> name-class-literal+ </t:anyNsNameExcept> | <t:anyNameExcept> (name-class-literal | <t:anyNsName ns="namespaceURI"/>)+ </t:anyNameExcept> | <t:choice> name-class name-class </t:choice> name-class-literal ::= <t:name ns="namespaceURI"> NCName </t:name>
Several observations:
Status: open Category: core
Here is the original post.
Generally speaking, <interleave> is hard to implement. It CAN be implemented, but it is difficult. Specifically, <interleave> makes it difficult to (1) perform validation by statically-compiled automaton, (2) perform subtyping algorithms, and etc.
So some degree of restrictions are desirable (at least for several people). If so, what restriction shall we employ?
The original-post contains a proposal. But it still doesn't enjoy the consensus of TC.
TC has decided to wait for the public comments on this issue, and the actual resolution of this issue will be postponed until the end of the review period.
After the review period, one proposed restriction is to apply "disjoint constraint"; elements in <interleave> will have the same restriction as attributes have. This makes it possible to use "shuffle automata" based algorithms to implement validators.
Murata-san reported that Hosoya-san has made a progress on this issue. He got an action item to ask him about it.
Status: resolved Category: core
Here is the original post.
If we adopt the pattern facet to <text/> and <mixed/>, then we will be relying on W3C XML Schema Part 2.
James suggested that the pattern facet is not the right thing for this purpose.
TC is looking for real world use cases for this feature.
On 7/12/2001, TC has decided to close this issue without no action. A general agreement there was that we want to have something like this in the future version.
Status: resolved Category: core
To solve the problem raised by Jeni Tennison, and the problem raised by MURATA Makoto. TC has decided to consider the <except> pattern proposed by James Clark.
Specifically, what do we allow as the descendants of a <except> pattern?
On 7/12/2001, TC has decided to resolve this as described in the current spec. Specifically, only <choice>,<data>, and <value> are allowed.
Status: resolved Category: core
A public comment from Franck Delahaye suggests that the current syntax of specifying key/keyref by attributes becomes clumsy sometimes. See his post for the actual example.
James suggested to introduce dedicated elements <key> and <keyref> for this purpose.
On the conference call of 7/12/2001, there was a general agreement to move to the element syntax as suggested by James. But some people still wanted to have some time to think about what should be allowed inside key/keyref.
On 7/19/2001, TC decided to move to the element-based syntax.
Status: resolved Category: core
The combine attribute and the name attribute of the <start> pattern have a complex interaction. We need to take some action to resolve this.
See the original post.
The name attribute on the <start> pattern is just a syntax sugar. So removing it will not affect the expressiveness of RELAX NG.
Rather than getting down to the nitty-gritty of this interaction, James initially suggested that dropping the name attribute might be better.
His another proposal is to transform
<start name="N" atts> P </start>
<start> <ref name="N"/> </start> <define name="N" atts> P </start>
On 7/12/2001, TC decided to drop the name attribute from the start pattern. One of the reasons is that the interaction may be confusing for users even if we decided to transform it in unambiguous way.
Status: resolved Category: core
Murata-san argues that the use of <oneOrMore> should be further restricted and logically splitted into two different patterns, one for the repetition of attributes and the other for the repetition of elements.
See the original post.
He proposed that "the content of <oneOrMore> is either (1) attribute-free, or (2) <attribute> or <choice><attribute>...<attribute>.
This makes the whole restriction simpler.
The current restriction is already restrictive enough to make RELAX NG a "regular language" (in the sense of computer science).
Murata-san agreed to retract this issue on 2001-08-02.
Status: resolved Category: core
What shall the spec do wrt fragment identifiers as the value of the href attribute? Should the spec allow, prohibit, or say nothig about this?
See the original post.
On 7/12/2001, TC closed this issue with no action. The author believes (but not sure) that the concensus there was to say nothing about this in the spec and have relevant RFCs stand by themselves.
Status: resolved Category: core
See the original post.
On 2001/07/19 conf call, TC decided to:
But James found that it is actually easy to enforce abovementioned checks for the datatypeLibrary attribute.
Processors are mandated to validate the datatypeLibrary attribute as specified in RFC2396 (and related RFCs). Our spec will provide a regular expression that the implementation can use.
Status: resolved Category: core
The current RELAX NG allows empty attribute declarations (attribute pattern without a content model), which match attributes with any value. On the other hand, empty element declarations are prohibited.
Is the status quo fine? Or do we want to have symmetry? If so, how do we achieve it? By allowing empty element declarations? Or by prohibiting empty attribute declarations?
See the original post.
On 7/12/2001, TC decided to close this issue without any action. There was nobody who cares about this assymetry, and many people were happy with the current status.
Status: resolved Category: core
Quoting from the original post:
If you are writing a schema using multiple namespaces, you can declare a prefix for each namespace once using a normal namespace declaration and then use QNames to refer to names from each of the namespaces. However, there is currently no comparable facility with; there is no way to say match any name whose namespace is the the namespace bound to prefix "x". Should we add a way to do this?"
See the original post.
On 7/12/2001, TC decided to close this issue with no action. Many people didn't care about this functionality, and nobody came up with a good attribute name that can be used for this functionality.
Status: resolved Category: core
Murata-san said he wants to have a syntax sugar for optional attributes, which are frequently seen in many schemata. Currently, we have to write
<optional> <attribute name="..."> ... </attribute> </optional>
See the original post.
Murata-san suggested to have <optionalAttribute name="foo"> pattern as a syntax sugar for optional attributes.
JJC proposes <attribute name="foo" use="optional"> as a syntax sugar for optional attributes.
Status: resolved Category: core
Quoting from the original post:
Currently <start> <ref name="foo"/> <ref name="bar"/> </start> means <start> <group> <ref name="foo"/> <ref name="bar"/> </group> </start> Would it be better for this to be an error or for it to mean <start> <choice> <ref name="foo"/> <ref name="bar"/> </choice> </start> ?
See the original post.
On 7/12/2001, TC decided to prohibit the <start> pattern to have multiple children (on the surface syntax). Only one child pattern is allowed for the <start> pattern.
Status: resolved Category: core
Although it is true that we don't have the described capability, it is also true that there are many other functionalities that RELAX NG doesn't have.
On 7/12/2001, TC closed this issue without any action primarily because no one wanted to have this functionalitiy.
Status: resolved Category: core
James found a loophole in our unambiguity constraint algorithm, and we need to fix that hole.
See the original post.
On 2001/07/19, TC decided to add an additional rule so that empty strings as keys will not cause a problem. Specifically, <key> ... </key> pattern will not match empty strings (which consists from whitespace characters) regardless of its body.
Michael Fitzgerald <>
Status: resolved Category: core
It might be nice if there is a spec that defines a set of common annotations (e.g., documentation, default attribute values.)
What kind of annotation do we want to define, if at all.
The author belives that TC agreed to produce a "common annotation" spec, which covers (i) the simple documentation tag, (ii) key/keyref annotation, and (iii) default attribute values. The author also believes that Mike Fitzgerald ws designated as an author. (2001/08/02)
Status: resolved Category: core
Shall we change the language syntax so that it becomes easier to avoid rereading external grammars?
Currently, <externalRef> references to the start pattern of the referenced grammar and there is no mechanism to refer to named patterns in arbitrary grammars. Is there any way to solve it?
James proposes <withGrammar> (or <grammarRef>), whose semantics is:
<withGrammar href="u"> p </withGrammar> = <grammar><include href="u"><start>p</start></include></grammar>
Also, <parentDefine> is proposed. <parentDefine> defines a named pattern in the parent grammar, from the child grammar.
<!-- parent grammar --> <grammar> <define name="abc"> <ref name="def"/> </define> <start> <!-- child grammar --> <grammar> <!-- define def in the parent grammar --> <parentDefine name="def"> <!-- can reference symbols in this grammar. --> <ref name="local"/> </parentDefine> <define name="local"> ... </define> </grammar> </start> </grammar>
TC welcomes any input on this issue.
Since there were no inputs, TC agreed to close this issue without taking any action (2001/10/11).
Status: resolved Category: core
Do we allow <key> and <keyref> inside <list>? Or not?
If we don't allow them inside <list>, then that means we cannot write patterns like:
<attribute name="refs"> <list> <zeroOrMore> <keyref name="foo"> <data type="token"/> </keyref> </zeroOrMore> </list> </attribute>
which was known as 'IDREFS', and used by many well-known vocabularies, including XHTML and DocBook.
On the other hand, allowing them inside <list> has non-trivial impact on the unambiguity constraint. We have to prohibit patterns like:
<list> <zeroOrMore> <choice> <key name="foo"> <data type="token"/> </key> <data type="decimal"/> </choice> </zeroOrMore> </list>
On 2001-08-02 conference call, TC adopted a drastic measure. Specifically, TC voted and agreed to remove all <key>/<keyref> from the core RELAX NG spec. Just like TREX, we no longer have an ability to express identity constraint by using the core RELAX NG.
The plan of TC is:,
Status: open Category: core
Our spec says whitespace strings in an element are stripped before it is validated against the content model pattern.
This makes the following document invalid:
instance: <foo> </foo> pattern: <element name="foo"> <data type="xsd:string"> <param name="minLength">2</param> </data> </element>
It would be nice if we can fix it.
In 2001/10/11, we've decided to adopt the proposal made by James Clark.
Status: resolved Category: core
It would be nice if the processor degrades gracefully when it sees unknown datatype libraries.
Although RELAX NG allows arbitrary datatype libraries, there is a incentive not to use non-standard datatype library because that will make a schema non-interoperable.
If there is a guarantee that unknown datatype libraries are treated gracefully, then it will surely encourage people to use local datatype libraries.
Some think that it should be left to the implementation and the spec should be silent about this.
The spec will state that the processor can do anything if the grammar contains unknown datatype libraries. For example, it can report an error, or recover silently, or simply produce a wrong result, or ask user to insert a disk.
Status: proposed Category: annotation
Currently, ID, IDREF, and IDREFS are considered. Do we want to support more?
See the original post.
One could allow NOTATION or ENTITY, to make sure that they are in fact defined in DTD. Or one could allow NMTOKEN or NMTOKENS, so that the attribute values are correctly normalized.
Status: closed Category: annotation
Currently, the spec says <a:documentation> applies to its parent element. However, since above three patterns (and NCs) doesn't allow child elements, one cannot write annotation for those tags.
See the original post.
a) Add an a:documentation attribute. This doesn't completely solve the problem in that you can have multiple a:documentation elements (for example, each a:documentation element might be in a separate language identified by an xml:lang attribute), but only a single a:documentation attribute would be possible. b) Say that an a:documentation element can be applied to a value, param or name element by making it a following sibling of the value, param or name element. c) Make some change to RELAX NG itself. For example, allow the div element where patterns and/or name classes are allowed.
Status: resolved Category: annotation
It might be nice if we can set some constraint on a pattern with the "a:attributeType" so that the processor can find silly patterns. For example,
<attribute name="id" a:attributeType="ID"> <value>fixed</value> </attribute>
(a) Disallow <text/> (b) Disallow any <data> or <value> element with a datatype that has a different equality function from the builtin token datatype (c) Disallow any <data> element that does not allow anything that is a legal XML name (d) Disallow any <value> element specifying a value that is not a legal XML name
Status: open Category: annotation
The following problem is reported by jjc. Do we want to do something for cases like this?
Should the a:attributeType be attached to the <attribute> element or to the element specifying the pattern for the value of the attribute? In trying to update XHTML to use the annotations instead of key/keyRef I encountered a problem. There was a definition: <define name="IDREF.datatype"> <keyRef name="id"> <data type="NCName"/> </keyRef> </define> This IDREF.datatype definition is referenced in the patterns for several different attributes. There's no way to translate this definition given that a:attributeType is attached to <attribute> elements; instead the a:attributeType annotation has to be repeated for each <attribute> element. On the other hand if we put the annotation just on <data>, then we will run into the same problem that we did when we had key/keyRef attributes on <data> rather than as separate elements. How about saying that a:attributeType goes on any element that, in the simplified schema, occurs as the child of <attribute>? Should we allow it on <attribute> as well?
TC agrees that this is a problem, but no alternative proposal was made on 2001/08/09. The author believes that the first half of "context-sensitive attribute default values" issue is relevant to this issue.
Status: closed Category: annotation
Josh wrote that he wants to "have a single attribute definition whose default value depends on where the attribute is used."
One way to achieve this would be to allow an a:defaultValue attribute on a <ref> element if the referenced <define> contains a single attribute element. Then I could do something like this: <define name="salutationAttr"> <attribute name="salutation"> <data type="string"/> </attribute> </define> <element name="monarch"> ... <ref name="salutationAttr" a:defaultValue="Your Majesty"/> ... </element> <element name="judge"> ... <ref name="salutationAttr" a:defaultValue="Your Honor"/> ... </element> An alternative way to specify context-sensitive attribute default values might be to allow an attribute to contain multiple <a:defaultValue> elements, with each <a:defaultValue> specifying an Xpath expression as its context. For example, <define name="salutationAttr"> <attribute name="salutation"> <a:defaultValue context="monarch" value="Your Majesty"/> <a:defaultValue context="judge" value="Your Honor"/> <data type="string"/> </attribute> </define>
Status: closed Category: core
Currently, RELAX NG elements are allowed to appear inside elements of foreign namespaces (and they are supposed to be ignored.) Murata-san said he wants to prohibit those "hidden" RELAX NG elements.
Status: open Category: core
Murata-san proposed to introduce the following restriction to RELAX NG: After the simplification, if an <attribute> has <nsName> or <anyName> as its name, then its parent must be <oneOrMore>.
Hosoya-san (a scientist who is working on type theory and RELAX NG. A developer of XDuce) gave a (informal?) proof that attributes in RELAX NG are closed to the boolean operations, assuming that attribute wildcards are always in <oneOrMore>.
The intention of this restriction is to capture this assumption, so that RELAX NG is a closed language.
The author believes that there is no proof that RELAX NG as entirety is a closed language.