UN-like layout formatting specification for UBL Order Response Simple instances

Author: G. Ken Holman
Date: $Date: 2003/02/11 00:25:46 $(UTC)

Copyright © 2003 OASIS

Table of contents

1 Order response simple formatting specification
1.1 Status
1.2 Example renderings and implementations
1.3 Layout order and information
1.4 Namespaces

1: Order response simple formatting specification

This formatting specification describes a rendering of the UBL Order Response Simple document model according to a mimic of the United Nations Layout Key for Trade Documents guidelines given the absence of such a form.

For a list of all formatting specifications and an overview of the documentation conventions, please visit the formatting specification home page.

1.1: Status

This specification has no formal status at this time. It should not be considered a reference interpretation of UBL documents. Feedback is sought from users of stylesheets that implement this formatting specification regarding suggestions for change for consideration by the OASIS UBL committees for incorporation into these formatting specifications.

Presentational semantics may never be formalized or normative in the UBL project due to differing international requirements and conventions for the presentation of information found in business documents.  This document contains only examples from a few of what will probably be many available UBL stylesheet libraries.

1.2: Example renderings and implementations

Example renderings:

Note the above examples are produced using Crane's XSLT and XSL-FO stylesheets. The HTML and XSL-FO are created by running the Saxon XSLT processor http://saxon.sourceforge.net/. The PDF is created by running the Antenna House XSL Formatter Version 2.3 http://www.AntennaHouse.com (with their gracious permission) to produce PostScript from XSL-FO and GhostScript AFPL http://www.GhostScript.com to distill PDF from the PostScript.

Example implementations:

These implementations must not be considered as reference implementations of UBL formatting specifications or as normative components of the UBL delivery; they are merely examples from what will probably be many available UBL stylesheet libraries.

1.3: Layout order and information

At this early stage, only a layout has been mocked up.

If you have any input regarding which UBL elements and attributes belong in which layout fields, please consider contributing your time to our effort or at the least submitting your ideas for our consideration. Thank you!

1.4: Namespaces

The following namespaces are mapped to the prefixes in the expressions below:

UN-like layout formatting specification for UBL Order Response Simple instances
G. Ken Holman
Copyright © 2003 OASIS
$Date: 2003/02/11 00:25:46 $(UTC)