Special Instructions for Test Case II.C.12 The policy for this test contains a static type error. If an initial policy with static type errors MAY EVER be evaluated by the implementation's XACML PDP at the time a Request is received, then this test MUST be passed. In this case, the result MUST be consistent with the supplied IIC003Response.xml file: it returns a Decision of Indeterminate with a StatusCode value of "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:status:processing-error". If the implementation's XACML PDP CAN NEVER attempt to evaluate an initial policy with static type errors at the time a Request is received, then the implementation MUST demonstrate that the policy in IIA004Policy.xml will be rejected by whatever entity is responsible for validating policy syntax in the system in which the XACML PDP will be used. In this case, the supplied Request and Response files are not relevant and may be ignored.