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REGISTRATION INFORMATION Advance registration is closed. Onsite registration will open at 8:00 AM on 6 October - in the Delvaux Foyer on the 8th Floor. Please bring all additional registration requests to this onsite registration desk. Registration is required for all attendees of the OASIS Adoption Forum and OASIS Technical Committee Meetings. Attendees are encouraged to register early. OASIS members must register by 15 September to receive a discount off the standard meeting fee. Online registration will close on 1 October 2004. Registration will re-open on-site 4 October 2004. Note: Separate registration is required to attend the UNECE TSIED Seminar. Meeting Fee Guests of OASIS members or other attendees eligible for the discount may obtain the OASIS member discount ($150.) Please send a copy of your registration to member-services@oasis-open.org to request your refund. There is no charge for OASIS members to attend TC meetings only, however, registration is required. Luncheon is not provided during TC meetings. Daily currency rates may be found here: DAILY CURRENCY RATES Registration Policies Payment Policy OASIS Registrar Note: Please make checks out to OASIS. Cancellation Policy In the unlikely event that OASIS should be forced to cancel this event, all paid meeting fees will be refunded. OASIS is not responsible, however, for attendees' other expenses, including hotel and travel. |
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