TC Tools Help
Please review the sections in this page for some introductory usage information for the tools OASIS has available for members.
The tcname Issue Tracking Project can be accessed at: Each Member of the TC (Voting Member, Member, Persistent Non-Voting Member, Chair, Secretary) should have received an email with their login information, or should contact to the TC Administrator to receive information. Once you log in, please ensure that your JIRA account password corresponds to your OASIS (Kavi Groups) password; TC Admin will attempt to keep the passwords in sync.
[Update 2016-06: Design is underway for rollout of support for the use of GitHub public repositories in addition to SVN/Subversion for version control. These GitHub repositories for TCs will be accessible at]
Version Control is provided by way of each TC having its own Subversion repository. When browsing the Subversion repositories on this site, through the web interface, you’ll see an address labelled Checkout and WebDAV, which can be copied and pasted into your preferred Subversion or WebDAV client to interact with the repository.
It is important to note that WebDAV connectivity will necessarily count all interaction with the repository as auto-committed, meaning that changes are committed instantaneously to the repository. For more refined control over repository commits, please use a Subversion client.
The Subversion website has a list of Frequently Asked Questions about using Subversion, as well as the Subversion handook, to cover some additional usage. The Subversion home page includes a list of potential clients and distributions of the Subversion.