Kavi Mailing List Manager Help
Table of Contents
The Add a Mailing List tool is used to create new mailing lists. Provide a name and description for your list, select a List Type and set other configuration options to determine list features and behavior. As soon as your new mailing list is added, it is ready to accept subscription requests and begin building Web archives if configured to do so. For detailed instructions on adding a mailing list, see the Concepts document How to Set a Mailing List.
The selection of the correct List Type is the most important consideration when adding a mailing list because it determines the basic configuration and behavior of your new mailing list, including who can view, subscribe and post to the list. To view all available List Types, click the View List Type Details link. If you want more information on a default List Type, see the Appendix document Default List Types. To learm more about the ways that List Types determine mailing list behavior, see the Concepts document List Types.
You will want to factor List Type configuration settings into the equation when setting Web availability options, so your mailing list has compatible levels of access control through both ezmlm email commands and Web pages.
Back to topSet the name, description, List Type, Web availability, Web archive visibility and other options. If this is a moderated mailing list, you need to add at least one moderator. When you are satisfied with your settings, click Save.
- List Name
The name for this mailing list. This name is used to form administrative email addresses for this list, so short names work best. Most organizations use abbreviations to construct list names. Names must be all lowercase, but may contain alphanumeric characters, underscores (_) and dashes (-). List names cannot consist solely of numerals. Spaces, periods and special characters are not allowed.
Once a mailing list is added, the name cannot be edited because of dependencies in the system, so be sure the name is entered correctly before saving the new list.
- Description
This description is used to distinguish this mailing list from others on the site and provide potential subscribers with information about the topic before they sign up. A good description makes the list easier to manage.
- List Type
Select the List Type. This is an important decision, as the mailing list inherits the configuration of the List Type on which it is based. Once a list is created, switching to a different List Type can be problematic.
- Web Availability
This option sets how links to view and subscribe to this mailing list are displayed in web-based tools. Note that these settings do not affect access through ezmlm email commands, which are configured in the List Type.
- Public
If this is set, links to the mailing list can be displayed on Public pages (although this requires some customization). Public users can view information about the mailing list and subscribe directly through webtools.
- Account Holders Only
If this is set, links to the mailing list are displayed in Members Area tools and pages such as My Mailing Lists, so account holders must login to view information about the mailing list and manage their subscriptions.
- List Subscribers
If this is set, links to the mailing list are only displayed in Members Area tools and pages such as My Mailing Lists if the account holder is already subscribed. Subscribers can view information about the mailing list and manage their subscriptions. Account holders who aren't subscribed cannot add subscriptions for themselves, nor can they view information about the list, so lists with this setting are private, invitation-only lists. Public users may be subscribed by administrators but won't be able to see any links to this list.
- Administrators only
If this is set, links to the mailing list are not displayed in Members Area tools or pages such as My Mailing Lists, so subscribers cannot view the list or manage their own subscriptions. Since administrators must add or remove all subscriptions, this setting is primarily used for mandatory mailing lists and admin-only lists. It is sometimes used to hide a mailing list temporarily.
- Web Archive Visibility
Set this option to determine whether this list has Web archives, and if so, what level of user ccan view and search the Web archives. This setting is to some extent independent of Web Availability settings. These access levels usually match, but can be more or less restrictive as required. If the Web archives are more visible than the Web Availability, which provides access to the Mailing List Home page, a link to the archives must be added in the appropriate area(s).
This setting presumes archiving is enabled in the underlying List Type (i.e., the -a switch is set in the ezmlm-make argument string). If archiving is enabled in the underlying List Type, raw archives may be available through ezmlm email commands. Consult the List Type configuration settings to see what level of access is provided to the raw archives. If raw archives do not exist, this setting is ignored.
- NO Web archives
If this is set, the list won't have any Web archives. If archiving is enabled in the underlying List Type, Web archives can be enabled at any time.
- Public
If this is set, Web archives can be available in the Public Area of the website (this requires customization).
- Account Holders Only
If this is set, Web archives are available to any logged-in account holder.
If all account holders are allowed to see links to the mailing list, then anyone who has logged in can access the Web archives through Mailing List Home.
If the public is allowed to subscribe to this list directly, these Public Subscribers won't be able to view the archives.
If links to the mailing list are not available to all account holders, a link to the Web archives must be added in the Members Area.
- List Subscribers
If this is set, the Web archives are only available to logged-in list subscribers.
If account holders who are not subscribers are allowed to visit the Mailing List Home page, they will see a link to subscribe but won't see a link to the archives.
If subscribers are allowed to visit the Mailing List Home page, they will see a link to the archives.
If subscribers are not allowed to visit the Mailing List Home page, a customized link to the archives must be added in the Members Area.
- Administrators Only
If this is set, the Web archives are hidden from everyone except administrators. As the most privileged level of user, administrators always have access if Web archives exist. This is a good way to hide Web archives temporarily if you are setting up a mailing list or need time to remove inappropriate content.
- Protect Archives from Spam
Obscuring email domains in the Web archives makes it impossible for spammers to glean email addresses from the Web archives. However, it also makes it more difficult for list users to respond privately to messages in the archives, because the user has to search the roster or other sources for the address. To protect the privacy of list users' email addresses, most lists opt to obscure email domains in the Web archives, so this is the default setting.
- Yes, obscure email domains to prevent address harvesting.
If this is set, the domain portion of email addresses is obscured when the Web archives are displayed. This is recommended for most lists.
- No, show full email addresses.
If you use this setting, complete email addresses are displayed in the Web archives. This makes it easier for list users to contact other list users privately, but exposed addresses are open to address harvesting by spammers.
- Active Account Holders Only
If this is set to 'Yes', account holders who are subscribed to this list are removed if their account is deactivated, so messages are only sent to active account holders. If this is set to 'No', mailing list messages are sent to inactive as well as active account holders. Inactive account holders may not want to receive messages from the organization, so the 'Yes' setting is used for most mailing lists.
- Moderators
If the List Type has moderated posting, there must be at least one moderator email address in this field before anyone can post to the mailing list. Enter one or more email addresses, using commas to separate additional email addresses:
- Deny List
If the Deny List is enabled for this mailing list (it is enabled for most mailing lists by default), enter email addresses from which messages should be rejected. These are email addresses from which posts would ordinarily be accepted (e.g., the email address may be subscribed), but posting privileges have been revoked due to repeated list policy infractions or possibly temporary issues such as a misconfigured auto-responder or malware infection. Use commas to separate multiple email addresses:
- Policy and Usage
A description of this list's intended usage and policy restrictions. For more information, see Writing Policy and Usage Statements.
You've just added a mailing list. Click Add Subscribers to add subscribers to this mailing list, or Add Another if you want to create another new mailing list.
Concepts: List Types
Tool page help: Manage List Types
Appendix: Default List Types
Concepts: Subscription Types and Subscriber Lists
Concepts: Writing Policy and Usage Statements
Appendix: Sample Policy and Usage Statement
Concepts: How to Set Up a Mailing List