Kavi Mailing List Manager Help

Chapter 17. Application Integration


Kavi Mailing List Manager interacts with several other applications, including Kavi® Members and Kavi® Groups, and provides definitive information on which mailing lists and aliases are in use on the organization's site. Kavi Mailing List Manager relies on third party applications including qmail (email management), ezmlm (mailing list management) and MHonArc (Web-based archives).

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Other Kavi Applications that Use Mailing Lists

Kavi Groups

Kavi Groups makes extensive use of mailing lists and these mailing lists are managed primarily through Kavi Groups tools. Each group created in Kavi Groups has a dedicated mailing list with online archives, so it is likely that most mailing lists on your organization's website are Kavi Groups lists. The rules governing email sent to those lists are set in the Kavi Groups application, and subscriptions to these lists are managed through Kavi Groups, but the Kavi Mailing List Manager List/Alias Name Lookup tool displays these lists plus links to Kavi Groups tools used to manage these lists. For more information on Kavi Groups mailing lists, see the Kavi Groups help.

Kavi Members

A Members Mailing List named 'members' is automatically created during when Kavi Members is installed. Each Members Mailing List is dynamically populated by a query run against the Kavi Members database when a message is sent to the mailing list. By default, the 'members' query retrieves every account holder who has opted into receiving list messages (i.e., the 'Receive Members Email' option is enabled in Configure Privacy Options and account holder has set the 'Receive Members Email' option to 'Yes', or else this option isn't enabled on this site). Since the Kavi Members database is the source of all email address information for Regular subscribers and the query is run each time a message is sent to a Members Mailing List, Regular subscriber information is always current. Your organization may have other Members Mailing Lists that use different selection criteria, so you may have Members Mailing Lists that are sent to a specific type of company, user or contact, for example.

Although Members Mailing Lists are added, and queries are edited, through Kavi Members, Members Mailing Lists are managed primarily through Kavi Mailing List Manager tools. In fact, Members Mailing Lists are only half-configured when added in Kavi Members, and the admin has to go to Kavi Mailing List Manager's Mailing List Home to complete the process, as described in the Add a Members Mailing List page help. Once a Members Mailing List is added, the admin sets the List Type, Web availability, textual information and special subscribers (e.g., moderators, cross-posters, etc.). This information is always managed in Kavi Mailing List Manager. Depending on Web availability, account holders or list subscribers view Members Mailing Lists the same way that they view Kavi Mailing List Manager lists, except that they cannot manage their own subscription. If you are an administrator and are contacted by an account holder who wishes to have their subscription removed, you or the account holder can set the 'Receive Members Email' option to 'No', with the understanding that this removes them from all Members Mailing Lists that are configured to honor this setting.

Super Admins can click here to visit the Members Mailing Lists tool.

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How Kavi Members Helps Control Mailing List Access

As described in the Concepts document Access Control, there are two main routes that are used to access mailing lists: email access and Web access. Email access is managed by ezmlm, as configured in the List Type. For more information, see the Concepts documents Mailing Lists and Ezmlm, List Types and Email Commands.

But ezmlm can be configured to reject email subscribe and archive retrieval commands so that the subscription process is managed entirely through Kavi Mailing List Manager tools. This give the organization tighter control over who can view and subscribe to a private mailing list, with the added advantage of improved data management—particularly with keeping email address information up-to-date and associated with an account holder.

When using Kavi Mailing List Manager tools to access a mailing list, Kavi Members is managing user authentication and restricting user access based on the user's subscriber level and mailing list configuration. In Kavi Mailing List Manager, a mailing list can be configured to determine whether it is Web-viewable by the public, by all account holders, by subscribers only, or only by administrators. Kavi Members provides data that determines whether a user gets to see links to the mailing list or not, effectively controlling the ability to subscribe or view archives. An admin-only mailing list is effectively invisible to non-admin account holders, even if they are subscribed. A subscriber-only mailing list is hidden so that non-subscriber account holders a aren't even aware that it exists.

Under default configuration, Kavi Members has the Kavi Mailing List Manager automatically subscribe a person's primary email address to the 'members' mailing list. If the organization collects alternate addresses, account holder's alternate email addresses are automatically subscribed to the Posters Subscriber List for any mailing lists that support this feature (i.e., mailing lists based on List Types with -u setting in the ezmlm-make argument string) to grant the alternate email address the same posting privileges as the primary address. If a subscribed email address is updated in the Kavi Members database, the address is automatically updated on all the appropriate Subscriber Lists when the next database synchronization occurs.

If a subscriber uses ezmlm email address commands to subscribe to a public mailing list under an email address that isn't in the Kavi Members database, the mailing list can't associate this unknown email address with an account holder and this disjointed subscription can't be updated when the account holder information changes in the Kavi Members database. This can lead to situations where an account holder who leaves the organization can't figure out why they are continuing to receive mailing list messages.

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Kavi Mailing List Manager Integration Tools

List/Alias Name Lookup

The Kavi Mailing List Manager's List/Alias Name Lookup tool displays all of the organization's mailing lists and aliases and provides links to tools used to manage these lists and aliases.

Organization Admins can click here to visit the List/Alias Name Lookup tool.

Synchronize Lists

The Synchronize Lists tool is used to synchronize the Kavi Members and Kavi Mailing List Manager databases with updated information from the ezmlm Subscriber Lists. Public mailing lists allow users to add or remove subscriptions via ezmlm email commands. These commands update the ezmlm subscriber lists directly, but the updates aren't immediately propagated to the application databases. Instead, database synchronization is handled as a daily batch operation for performance reasons. When needed, the Synchronize Lists tool can be used to synchronize one or more mailing lists so that update-to-date subscriber information is available through My Mailing Lists and other webtools.

Super Admins can click here to visit the Synchronize Lists tool.

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Third-Party Tools

Ezmlm and Qmail

Kavi Mailing List Manager relies extensively on ezmlm, which partners exceptionally well with the qmail email management application because both applications are from the same provider. Mailing lists are basically email-driven, and ezmlm manages rules governing incoming and outgoing mailing list messages and mailing list configuration at the List Type level. Ezmlm-idx provides indexed email archives if archiving is enabled in the List Type. Kavi Mailing List Manager augments ezmlm functionality by providing Web-based access to certain aspects of the mailing list, such as webtools used to manage subscriptions and view online archives. Kavi Mailing List Manager also provides tools to help troubleshoot ezmlm mailing lists and qmail.

Ezmlm email commands can be used to subscribe, unsubscribe and retrieve raw email archives, depending on List Type configuration. For more information, see the Concepts documents Mailing Lists and Ezmlm, List Types and Email Commands.


The MHonArc software converts the raw ezmlm-idx email archives into spiffy threaded Web archives. For more information, see the Concepts document Mail Archives.

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