Kavi Mailing List Manager Help
Table of Contents
Select a mailing list to delete. The number of current subscribers on the list is shown. Lists required by other applications, such as the members list used by KaviŽ Members, cannot be deleted.
Completely and permanently remove a mailing list, its Subscriber Lists and archives.
Information about the list, including the number and types of subscribers, the number of posted messages and the date the last message was posted, is displayed. If you are sure you want to permenantly delete this list and any archives, click Delete.
Clicking the Delete button will permanently delete the selected list, the lists archives and the list of subscribers!
This list has been permanently deleted. If you would like to remove another list, click Delete Another.
Tool page help: Manage Mailing Lists
Tool page help: Add a Mailing List
Tool page help: Edit a Mailing List