Kavi Mailing List Manager Help
Table of Contents
The Edit Mailing List Text tool is used to customize text templates that are inserted into messages sent through this mailing list. Depending on List Type configuration, this may include subject line prefix and trailer text, as well as text used in automated ezmlm notifications and responses to email commands.
Every text field supported by ezmlm is available through this tool. There is a top-level file containing global ezmlm text templates that apply to all Kavi Mailing List Manager lists by default. Any edits made through this tool override the global defaults for this specific mailing list but do not affect the global template file. The default text is displayed with certain global variables replaced by list-level values. For example, the ezmlm commands displayed here contain the list name so they are ready to use.
Some default text templates are essentially blank and others contain instructions that work for all users only if the list has no access restrictions. If you are adding a mailing list that accepts some ezmlm commands, you may want to review the text templates and do a little judicious editing, especially if there are any access restrictions enforced.
Table 82.1. ezmlm Template Variables
Code | Description |
<#A#>, A! (deprecated form) | Variable converts to the subscriber email address. |
<#h#> | Variable converts to the host name of the mailing list server. |
<#l#> | Variable converts to the list name. |
<#n#> | Variable converts to the message number. |
<#R#>, !R (deprecated form) | Variable converts to the email address to which the subscriber must respond to confirm a subscribe or unsubscribe request. |
Most commonly edited text templates:
Any list that accepts ezmlm email commands: Enter a description in the Info text template.
If FAQ are available for this mailing list: see the FAQ text template.
If archive access is restricted: see archive retrieval instructions in Bounce Numbers and Help text templates.
If there are restrictions on administrative (subscribe) requests, see Help. You may want to provide web tool URLs for users who aren't allowed to subscribe via email.
Many of the ezmlm text templates contain ezmlm commands that must be used verbatim, so edit text templates carefully to avoid introducing errors into the ezmlm commands.
All available ezmlm text templates are displayed with the current text for each template. If these templates have never been edited, the default ezmlm text is displayed with certain global variables replaced by list-level values. For example, the ezmlm commands displayed here contain the list name so they are ready to use. Customize whichever text templates you desire, then click Save.
Outgoing Message Templates
- Prefix
If prefixing is enabled in this mailing list (i.e., the 'f' argument is set in the ezmlm-make argument string), this prefix is prepended to the subject line of all email sent through mailing lists based on this mailing list. By default, the prefix is the mailing list name enclosed in square brackets (e.g., [twg_news]). For example, if a message with the subject 'Organization News for May' is posted to a newsletter, the subject would appear as '[twg_news]Organization News for May' in subscriber's in-boxes. If you edit the prefix text, be sure to keep your new version short.
Email subject-line prefixes take up some of the limited space available in an email subject line, but are used by many List Types because the prefix makes it easy for subscribers to sort and filter incoming email. Using the previous example, subscribers can use the [twg_news] prefix to filter all messages from the twg_news list into the same mailbox.
For more information, see prefix in the List Features document.
Do not use ezmlm variables in this template.
- Trailer
If trailer text is enabled in this List Type (i.e., the 't' argument is set in the ezmlm-make argument string), a block of trailer text is appended to the bottom of all email messages sent by mailing lists based on this List Type. Trailer text typically contains instructions on how to get help or unsubscribe, so it is a great way to avoid having your messages classified as spam. Trailer text can be appended only to text messages. Messages sent in other formats such as Rich Text Format (RTF) or HTML will not include trailer text unless the site has been custom-configured to do so.
The default text assumes the List Type is configured to accept ezmlm subscription requests, so it describes how to unsubscribe via email. If this is a private list type that doesn't accept ezmlm administrative commands such as subscription requests, the trailer text could provide the URL for the My Mailing Lists tool that a user can click or copy and paste into a browser. For more information, see trailer text in the List Features document.
Do not use ezmlm variables in this template.
Administrative Request Templates
- Bottom
Bottom text provides instructions on how to use ezmlm information and administrative commands. The <#l#> variable is converted to the list name when messages based on this template are generated.
The <#l#> variable is the only variable used in this template. No other variables should be used here.
- Bounce Bottom
This text precedes the content of the original (i.e., bounced) message from the content of the bounce notification message. The bounce notification acts like a wrapper for the content of the bounced message, and this text separates the content of the wrapper from the content of the original.
- Bounce Numbers
This text precedes a list of messages sent to this address that are known to have bounced. These messages are listed according to their number in the ezmlm-idx archives. This text template includes instructions on how to use ezmlm archive retrieval commands to retrieve these archives by number. The default text in this template should be edited to reflect List Type settings that affect the availability of the raw archives so that subscribers can use these commands successfully.
Raw archives are available only if the 'a' argument is set in the ezmlm-make argument string for this List Type. The default instructions do not provide any information about List Type settings that affect the availability of the raw archives. If the raw archives for this List Type are subscriber-only ('aBg') or moderator-only ('ab'), users have to send send the email command from an address on the appropriate subscriber list or ezmlm will reject the message. If access to the raw archives is restricted, its a good idea to edit the instructions accordingly.
- Bounce Problem
The Bounce Problem template is sent when an ezmlm bounce probe (i.e., Bounce Warning) actually bounces, so it is somewhat escalated from the Bounce Warning. Make sure you are familiar with ezmlm bounce handling before editing this text. For more information, see Troubleshooting: Bounces and Automated Bounce Handling.
- Bounce Warning
The Bounce Warning template is sent when an ezmlm message sent to a specific recipient has bounced repeatedly. There's a certain irony in Bounce Warnings, because if this warning successfully reaches a recipient, whatever issue caused the delivery problem has obviously cleared up. This is why the Kavi default message reassures users that there is no need for concern. For more information, see Troubleshooting: Bounces and Automated Bounce Handling.
- Digest Bounce Warning
The Digest Bounce Warning template is sent when a message sent to a specific digest subscriber has bounced repeatedly. There's a certain irony in Bounce Warnings, because if this warning successfully reaches a recipient, whatever issue caused the delivery problem has obviously cleared up. This is why the Kavi default message reassures users that there is no need for concern. For more information, see Troubleshooting: Bounces and Automated Bounce Handling.
- Digest
This text template provides the email commands needed to manage digest subscriptions.
This text template is sent in response to the ezmlm FAQ request email command. By default this is set to 'None available yet.', so be sure to edit this template if your organization has FAQs available for its mailing lists.
- Get-Bad
This text template is sent in response to an archival retrieval request for nonexistent message numbers.
- Help
This text template is sent in response to the help command. By default, it includes all available commands. If this list restricts access to ezmlm subscribe or archive retrieval commands, you may want to provide the URL for the My Mailing Lists tool.
- Info
This text template is sent in response to the ezmlm info command. It provides general information on this mailing list, such as the kind of information provided via web pages in the Description and Policy and Usage fields.
- Moderation Help
If 'r' is set in the ezmlm-make argument string to enable remote administration, the mailing list sends this text template in response to help requests from moderator email addresses. No default List Types use this.
- Moderation Reject
This text template appears at the top of the rejection notice that is sent to someone whose message has been rejected by a moderator. The moderator is allowed to add comments to the rejection notice. If the moderator has added any comments, they are inserted into the rejection notice immediately after this text.
- Moderation Request
This text template is used in moderation requests which are sent to moderators to notify them that a new message has been added to the moderation queue. The moderation request wraps the message that has been submitted for moderator approval, so the enclosed message can be viewed when the moderator opens the moderation request email. The moderation request text template includes instructions that the moderator can follow to moderate the message via email. It includes a section where the moderator can enter enter a comment if the moderator rejects the message. If the moderator adds a comment, it is inserted into the Moderation Reject email.
- Moderation Subscription
This is sent to a subscriber in response to a moderator's subscribe or unsubscribe request. This template is used only if 'r' is set in the ezmlm-make argument string. No default List Types use this.
- Moderation Subscription Confirm
This is sent to a moderator in response to a subscribe request so the moderator can confirm this request. This template is used only if 'r' is set in the ezmlm-make argument string. No default List Types use this.
- Moderation Timeout
This text template wraps a message submitted for moderation and returns it to the sender if the message times out of the moderation queue.
- Moderation Unsubscribe Confirm
This is sent to a moderator in response to an unsubscribe request so the moderator can confirm this request. This template is used only if 'r' is set in the ezmlm-make argument string. No default List Types use this.
- Subscription Bad
This is sent in response to a subscribe request that contains an invalid confirmation code, as described in the default text.
- Subscription Confirm
If the Kavi® Mailing List Manager is configured to handle email subscription requests, it automatically sends an email in response to every subscription request it receives, requesting confirmation that the owner of that email address does in fact wish to subscribe. This confirmation prevents people from maliciously subscribing others to lists and makes sure that the email address is good (i.e. email sent to this email address does not bounce) before adding the new address to the list.
The text in this template forms the main body of the email sent to users to confirm subscription requests received via email and instructs the user how to confirm their subscription request.
- Subscription Nop
This text template is sent in response to a subscribe request for an address that is already subscribed.
- Subscription Ok
This text template is sent in response to a subscription confirmation to inform the subscriber that the subscription process has been completed successfully.
- Top
Top text is a block of introductory text that appears on every email generated automatically by ezmlm. It is used to introduce moderation requests, subscription confirmations, responses to help requests, bounce notices and other automated responses. The <#l#> variable is converted to the list name when email based on this template are generated.
This text should not usually be edited because it must follow a format expected by certain automated process. No other variables should be used in this template.
- Unsubscription Bad
This is sent in response to an unsubscribe request that contains an invalid confirmation code, as described in the default text.
- Unsubscription Nop
This text template is sent in response to an unsubscribe request for an address that is not subscribed.
- Unsubscription Ok
This text template is sent in response to an unsubscribe confirmation to inform the former subscriber that their address has been successfully unsubscribed.
You've just edited the text templates for this mailing list and the text for each available template is displayed for you to review. Click Edit Another if you would like to edit the text templates for another mailing list.
Troubleshooting: Bounces and Automated Bounce Handling
Concepts: Email Commands
Appendix: Ezmlm Quick Reference Guide
Concepts: How Mailing Lists Work
Concepts: Mailing List Configuration
Super Admin Tools: Manage List Types