Use this form to assign Project Administration the task of holding a Special Majority Vote on whether or not to request the Project Administrator to present an OASIS Committee or Project Specification to the membership in the call for consent despite having received comments during its 60-day public review.

This is done when the committee receives comments during the 60-day public review that precedes the call for consent. If the committee decides to make no changes in response to the comments, then use this ticket to request continuing with the call for consent.

Contact Project Administration with any questions.

Request a Special Majority Vote on continuing a Specification to the call for consent despite comments received

Assign the task of holding a Special Majority Vote on whether or not to request sending a Committee or Project Specification to the membership Call for Consent despite having received comments during its 60-day public review
  • Please enter the full name of the Technical Committee or Open Project.
  • Enter the main working email address for your project (e.g. or ). A confirmation copy of this assignment will be sent to the address.
  • Enter the title and version number for the draft document to be approved.
  • Provide the link to the comment resolution log reporting comments received during the Specification’s public review and the project's decisions on their disposition. See Handling comments received during a public review for background information.
  • Provide any additional information you wish to communicate to Project Administration here.