Use this form to request that Project Administration that open a submission request to IANA on behalf of the Project Committee (for example, to register an ietf message header, a media-type, or a URL scheme). There are a variety of types of IANA registrations and the committee needs to know the basics of what the specific registration requires.

Contact Project Administration with any questions or comments.

Request an IANA submission

Use this form to request that Project Administration that open a submission request to IANA on behalf of the Project Committee.
  • Please enter the full name of the Technical Committee or Open Project.
  • Enter the main working email address for your project (e.g. or ). A confirmation copy of this assignment will be sent to the address.
  • Provide a link to the meeting minutes or ballot documenting the approval to proceed with the submission.
  • Enter the type of submission requested (e.g. ietf message header or media-type).
  • Enter the link to the page where the registry value should appear when approved.
  • Enter the link(s) to the IETF RFC(s) that govern this type of registration (e.g. RFC 3864 - Registration Procedures for Message Header Fields). Check to make sure the RFC is the current version.
  • Enter the link to the request form prepared by the committee according to the template or requirements explained in the RFC. If the form is published in an OASIS work product, be sure that it can be directly linked.
  • Enter the name(s) and email address(es) of the project member (s) who will act as technical contacts for the request. These contacts will be included in all emails with IANA and the IETF and may be called upon to answer questions from IANA’s designated expert.
  • Provide any additional information you wish to communicate to Project Administration here.