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Subject: Re: [dita] Providing a DITA OT plug-in for specs available to otherOASIS users

I look forward to the completion of the plug-in, which should help any TCs that
want to use it in the production of their documents.  The similar set of scripts
and transform sheets produced by Ken Holman for use of a DocBook-based
methodology has been praised by users, and I expect the same for the
referenced plugin.

Work Product Templates
among which is found:
DocBook XML Online/Offline Publishing Environments and
Methodology (.html, .xml, .pdf, .zip) (includes copy
of DocBook XML template)

On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 6:25 AM, Kristen Eberlein <keberlein@sdl.com> wrote:

Robert has finished a first round of work on the plug-in (thanks, Robert!), and so I’ve started a conversation with Robin Cover about how best to make the plug-in available. Since it will need documentation providing information about how to set up the plug-in up and configure a bookmap to hold the requisite publication information, it does involve a TC work artifact, which would be the new non-standards work-track item – a committee note.


Here are what our options appear to be:



1.    Apply to the TC Admin for requisite metadata, produce the document per whatever “template,” label the document as a working draft, and give it to the TC Admin who will make it available from http://docs.oasis-open.org/templates/

Provisionally: I think a variant option would be (based upon similar activities in
the past) perhaps even simpler: if a handful of individuals in the TC want to collaborate
as authors/contributors of the plug-in and documentation, without making
a request for a template,  the work could just be attributed to those persons,
and it could be uploaded (after review).  If you want to make it a contribution
to the TC under the TC Process, or have it considered as produced "by" the
TC, then other rules will apply.  The simplest solution think would just be
to send it to me informally, and I can post to the /templates/ area, with
attribtution given to the persons who created it.

[PS  If I discover that some other formal process was used in producing
and uploading other resources in /templates/, I'll let you know in an update].

2.    Apply to the TC Admin for requisite metadata, produce the document per whatever “template,” go through the formal review process to approve the document as a TC work product.

3.    Make the plug-in and documentation available from another venue, for example, Sourceforge or dita.xml.org.


I think that the TC will need to consider the pros and cons of each approach and decide how it wants to move forward with this item.


I’ll send another e-mail to the list explaining the OASIS processes that the TC would need to follow for options 1 or 2.

Best regards,


Kristen James Eberlein l DITA Architect and Technical Specialist l SDL Structured Content Technologies Division l (t) + 1 (919) 682-2290 l keberlein@sdl.com


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Robin Cover
OASIS, Director of Information Services
Editor, Cover Pages and XML Daily Newslink
Email: robin@oasis-open.org
Staff bio: http://www.oasis-open.org/who/staff.php#cover
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Tel: +1 972-296-1783

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