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Subject: Work on stage three proposal #15, "Relax specialization rules"

I've gotten to the point that I am stuck and need help. I have done a ridiculous amount of work:

However, I am bogged down with the RNG topics because I do not have as much familiarity with them as I do with manipulating DTDs -- and how one handles redefinition in RNG files is quite different.

I am going to attach a PDF build from the current spec source. it will look funny, since it's built using the generic TC PDF transformation. (I set up a new DITA-OT environment that can cope with DITA 2.0 files, but I have not gotten all the TC plug-ins working properly yet.)

For those who can, please look at chapters 8 and 9. Changes are marked in red highlighting. In particular, I need help with the following:

I would like to have the RNG examples written and tested before finalizing the coding requirements topic and submitting the stage three proposal.


Kristen James Eberlein
Chair, OASIS DITA Technical Committee
OASIS Distinguished Contributor
Principal consultant, Eberlein Consulting LLC
+1 919 622-1501; kriseberlein (skype)

Attachment: dita-2.0-specification.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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