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Subject: Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 1 August 2023 uploaded

Submitter's message
1. Dawn will talk to Brianna about any updates to L&T she might have done for 2.0.

Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 1 August 2023
Recorded by Hancy Harrison
link to agenda for this meeting:

Stan Doherty, Kris Eberlein, Nancy Harrison, Scott Hudson, Eliot Kimber, Christina Rothwell, Leroy Steinbacher, Dawn Stevens, Eric Sirois


1. Roll call
Regrets: Robert Anderson, Zoe Lawson, Frank Wegmann

2. Approve minutes from previous business meeting:
25 July 2023
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202308/msg00000.html (Harrison, 01 August 2023)
moved by Kris, 2nd by Eliot, approved by TC

3. Announcements: none

4. Action items and volunteer tasks
[updates only; see agenda for complete list]
06 June 2023:
Kris: Share DITA TC bookmarks COMPLETED
11 July 2023
Kris: Develop a DITA 2.0 backlog In progress COMPLETED
18 July 2023
Dawn: Check with Brianna on extent to which she's updated L&T for 2.0.
- Dawn; I'll talk to her.
Scott and Eliot: Start to update L&T files to work with 2.0 base.
- Scott; we've started that, also reached out to Brianna.
- Kris; good, have you been able to make your own fork in the repo?
- Eliot; cloned, but no fork yet
Eliot: Respond to dita-comment item on L&T from 24 May 2023.
Eliot: Respond to dita-comment item on getting the latest draft spec, from 14 June 2023.
- Eliot; responded to those; just fyi, Chris Papademetriousis no longer at the that company.
- Kris; too bad, I was hoping he might join us on the TC from there.
25 August:
Kris: Create ContentFusion review for "Overview of DITA content" COMPLETED

5. Review U: Overview of DITA
Opening of review:
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202308/msg00002.html (Eberlein, 01 August 2023)
- Kris; reminder; use draft-comment, not CF's native comment function, and in your comment, include your name and the date. Also, for folks working on this for the first time, please check to make sure you can get into the review, using either your Github or Google user id. I seeded the review by adding one draft-comment.
- Christina; we're using Oxygen's tool.
- Kris; Dawn, just fyi, at last week's meeting, we decided that the easiest way to get TC comments was to do a CF review of the material; this has not been edited, we just want to collect comments about what to do with this content. Most of the content is from 1.2, so its last review was 13-15 years ago.

6. DITA TC wiki
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202307/msg00008.html (Eberlein, 25 July 2023)
- Kris; I've reached out to OASIS about us using a Github repo to use the Github wiki, but no response yet.

7. DITA 2.0 backlog
- Kris; Eliot, glossary?
- Eliot; no, not yet
- Kris; Nancy?
- Nancy; I got stuff from Tammy, starting to look at it.
- Kris; I haven't yet started work on abbrev forms.
- Kris; there are 5 specialization elements we need a volunteer for, plus one base element (required-cleanup), plus the 18 elements around glossentry and glossgroup.
- Dawn; I'd do the glossentry (17 elements) but not glossgroup; I've never used it. Can Eliot do that?
- Eliot; I could do that.
- Kris; glossgroup is just a convenience element to avoid dealing with multiple elements in separate files; it allows you to edit a bunch of glossary elements from within one topic.
- Kris; what about required-cleanup?
- Leroy; do we need to make changes directly in the Github repo?
- Kris; you need to fork the repo, then edit it following our guidelines for editing, then open a pull request; Robert and I look at the edits, usually there's a single rinse/repeat cycle, then we merge it and open a formal review.
- Leroy; I'll take required-cleanup to get some experience in how it works.
- Kris; what about the 5 specialization elements too?
- Leroy; sure, I'll take those too.
- Kris; Look at guidelines for how to do it; and reach out to list if you have any issues. After we do review of overview in CF, then it will come back to someone - Christina? - to volunteer to do actual edits.
- Christina; I'll do it.
- Nancy; just remember that we use the 2.0 branch, not the main branch
- Kris; right.

11:22 am ET close

-- Ms. Nancy Harrison
Document Name: DITA TC Meeting Minutes 1 August 2023

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Submitter: Ms. Nancy Harrison
Group: OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC
Folder: Meeting Notes
Date submitted: 2023-08-08 09:08:08

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