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Subject: FW: [dita-comment] Addressing the Challenge of Linking to Collections in DITA 2.0



-----Original Message-----
From: Weiwu Zhang <w@smarttokenlabs.com> 
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2023 7:25 PM
To: dita-comment@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [dita-comment] Addressing the Challenge of Linking to Collections in DITA 2.0

Hi DIAT 2.0 team

Working on another OASIS project (TokenScript), I've been working extensively with DITA and have come across a challenge that I believe warrants discussion and perhaps consideration for future iterations of the DITA specification.

In our documentation workflow, we often create case studies or collections of topics that are grouped together in a ditamap. This is so that the leading chapters of each case-study can be reused, while each case study in-depth can be compiled into one training material per-needed. While the ditamap serves as a wonderful way to organize and present these collections, there seems to be a limitation when it comes to referencing or linking to the entire collection as a single entity from another topic.

Upon reviewing the DITA 2.0 specification, I noticed several elements that handle referencing, such as <data>, <data-about>, <foreign>, <keyword>, <term>, and <xref>. Among these, the <include> element caught my attention as it offers a way to embed content from one topic into another. However, while useful for content embedding, it doesn't seem to address the challenge of linking to a collection like a case study.

One workaround we've considered is creating a "parent" topic that serves as an entry point to the case study, which then links to each of the individual topics. However, this approach feels redundant, especially when a similar structure already exists in the ditamap.

I wanted to bring this to the attention of the community to see if there are any best practices or recommendations for this scenario.
Additionally, it might be worth considering enhancements in future DITA versions to address this challenge more natively.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Weiwu Z.

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