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staff-bizdev-workshops message

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Subject: Fwd: Visioneering workshop

The original May messages from Francis that kicked off this project are attached here, for archiving purposes

James Bryce Clark, General Counsel, OASIS Open, setting the standard for open collaborationÂ

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jamie Clark <jamie.clark@oasis-open.org>
Date: Fri, May 19, 2023 at 4:51âPM
Subject: Re: Visioneering workshop

 At Francis' request, here's a link to a virtual signup sheet (in spreadsheet form), where we can add expressions of interest -- or additional suggestions -- in staffing or assisting with our proposed theme-based innovations workshops. As discussed at Thursday's meetings and below.

ÂÂÂ Please take a look and give some thought to where you might fit in.Â
ÂÂÂ You'll also get an automatic invitation message directly from Google Docs / Google Sheets.
Regards Jamie

James Bryce Clark, General Counsel, OASIS Open, setting the standard for open collaborationÂ

On Tue, May 16, 2023 at 1:44âAM Francis Beland <francis.beland@oasis-open.org> wrote:

Team, it is time to launch our incubator/workshop program. The goal is to develop and execute visioneering sessions to assist the membership and thought leaders in developing a salient approach to OASIS's existing and future Open Projects.


We must proactively lead conversations and development in areas where the membership and OASIS can successfully convene support for an open standard project.






The goal is to reach out to the membership and thought leaders at large to have them participate in a workshop where we discuss a specific grand challenge, the market failures that led to this grand challenge, and brainstorm on the use of an open standard to assist in solving this grand challenge:

ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂDiscuss the existing efforts and market challenges across the focus areas.

ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂIdentify the leading areas and opportunities for an open standard.

ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂBuild a strong list of standard criteria to address the key market challenges.

ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂPrioritize leading open standard criteria for further evaluation by staff


1.ÂÂÂEligibility:ÂÂAny domain experts.ÂÂShould not require OASIS membership (we're fishing for prospects and future members via this tool).ÂÂBut discretion on whether to include representatives of other SDOs and foundations.

2.ÂÂÂConvener(s):ÂÂOASIS Open


4.ÂÂÂÂRuleset:ÂÂmust (like an industry pre-standards workshop) provide minimum IPR ground rulesÂÂ

âÂÂÂÂÂÂAll participants will contribute only freely available content drafted for the program but may refer to outside work not contributed.

âÂÂÂÂÂÂOASIS gets to keep the final outputs but will share them (see Transparency below).

âÂÂÂÂÂÂNo product names or infringement, as usual.

âÂÂÂÂÂÂNo promises as to other licensing at this phase.ÂÂÂ

âÂÂÂÂÂÂNo commitment to start a formal project at OASIS.

âÂÂÂÂÂÂMinimal process (like an OP PGB) â No Roberts Rules etc.

5.ÂÂÂÂDuration: Â1 day

6.ÂÂÂÂExplicit tasks:ÂÂinclude producing an agreed statement on the feasibility of a standard in the area of focusÂ

7.ÂÂÂÂStaffing:ÂÂMust be OASIS-led.ÂÂOASIS set the agenda and process of the workshop.ÂÂ

8.ÂÂÂÂTransparency:ÂÂChatham-House rulesÂ


We are hoping to get these workshops done in the coming 60 days.


There are a lot of tasks and deliverables that we must accomplish before hosting. Here are some required pre-workshop deliverables:

  1. Secondary research report.ÂÂAn in-depth analysis of the area of focus using published data, articles, research tools and OASIS-compiled information.
  1. Primary research report.ÂÂA primary research report on the state of innovation, policy, and technology in the area of focus. Primary research isÂdata that is obtained first-hand. We interview a few thought leaders/members in this phase to gather final insights.Â
  1. A grand challenge two-pager.ÂÂThis is a brief that outlines the following:ÂÂ
    1. Grand Challenge
    2. Guidelines Summary (What would an Open standard accomplish)
    3. Goals, breakthroughs, and paradigm change intended by the Open Project
    4. What is market failure being addressed?
    5. What is the industry/gov appeal?
    6. Relevant background about this Open Projec
  1. A workshop outcome document.ÂÂThis set of questions and key deliverables must be answered and completed during the workshop to launch an Open Project.Â

We are looking at launching 2 visioneering workshops. We are still reviewing which 2 areas of focus:

-circularity label
-disinformation (if needed)
-conversation AI

We will need the work and support from the entire OASIS team to be successful. This is something new for ourÂorganization. Letâs make this a huge success.

Francis Beland
Executive Director
Setting the standard for open collaboration


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