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Subject: A summary of "current version" values from UBL CCTS models

Fellow UBL TC members,

Per the action item from our meeting, attached is the tab-delimited text file summary of all items from all UBL CCTS models up to UBL 2.4 in alphabetical order with a summary in descending order of the values found for "Current Version" for each.

Note that this was not a value available in UBL 2.0 and was back-filled in the publication of UBL 2.1.

The version numbers are quoted in an attempt not to have them converted to numbers when imported in a spreadsheet which drops the ".0".

The stylesheet and all input data are copied in the ZIP.

Please let me know if you have any additions or corrections.

. . . . . . . Ken

Attachment: UBL-version-history-2.4-20240121-1640z.zip
Description: Zip archive


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