OASIS Topic Maps Published Subjects Technical Committee
Pubsubj > Documents > Deliverables > 2. Published Subjects Documentation Structure


OASIS Topic Maps Published Subjects TC Deliverables
Recommendations for Published Subjects Documentation Structure

Latest version : http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tm-pubsubj/docs/recommendations/psdoc.htm
Editor: Bernard Vatant
Updated 2002, June 27

Status of this document :
Latest draft proposal, modified following
May 24 Barcelona meeting and June 25 conference call

Note : Conforming to above meetings decisions, the former deliverable has been split into two parts:
1. Published Subjects : Definitions, Requirements and Examples
2. Recommendations for Published Subjects Documentation Structure (current document)

1 - Published Subject Documentation - an overview

Publishers are not likely to document individual independent subjects, but rather sets of subjects, relevant to a consistent domain of application, and gathered in a structured resource or set of resources. Such resources will be called hereafter PSD (Published Subject Documentation). This section gives an overview of PSD constituents and structure. More detailed recommendations concerning those constituents and structure will be detailed in further sections.

This section is inspired by Lars Marius Garshol proposals in : Analysis of published subject documentation

1.1 - PSD Subjects Set

The PSD Subjects Set is the set of all subjects identified in a PSD.

ISSUE 22 - Subject equivalence

1.2 - PSD Constituents

1.2.1 - Subject Indicators Set:

The Subject Indicators Set is the set of all Subject Indicators used by a PSD.
Each Subject Indicator is a human-readable resource, providing a definition of a single subject in the PSD Subjects Set. There is a one-to-one correspondence between the Subjects Set and the Subject Indicators Set.

ISSUE 23 - Self-Referencing Subject Indicators
ISSUE 24 - Internal vs External Subject Indicators

1.2.2 - Subject Identifiers Set:

The Subject Identifiers Set is the set of all URIs identifying, and resolving to, Subject Indicators.
There is a one-to-one correspondence between the Subject Identifiers Set and the Subject Indicators Set.

ISSUE 25 - Infinite Subject Sets

1.2.3 - Documentation Description:

The Documentation Description contains human-readable definition of the Subject Indicators Set.
The description may be either extensive (exhaustive list of Subject Indicators with human-readable pointers), or intensive (definition of characteristic properties of the Subjects Set and/or Subject Indicators Set). It may also contains informations about the recommended domain of use.

1.2.4 - Documentation Metadata:

The Documentation Metadata are formal, machine-readable metadata about the PSD.
Example : publisher identification, language, version, date of validation, domain ...

1.2.5 - Subject Formal Assertions:

The Subject Formal Assertions are intended to express in a formal and machine-readable way, some information that belongs to the Subject definition.
Example : name, class, relationships with other subjects ...

ISSUE 26 - Consistency of Subject Indicators with Subject Formal Assertions

1.2.6 - Subject Indicator Metadata:

The Subject Indicator Metadata are formal, machine-readable metadata about the Subject Indicator.
Example : type, format ...

1.3 - PSD structure

This section will define the recommended packaging structure and format for the different PSD constituents.

Currently discussed - To be delivered

2 - Published Subject Documentation - specific recommendations

Currently discussed - To be delivered

3 - Use cases and examples

Currently discussed - To be delivered