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board-busdev-thought-leaders message

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Subject: OASIS Bizdev Committee Collaboration Doc

Thanks again for all the great ideas raised in last week's Board BizdevÂCommittee call. As discussed, we've set up a shared document where we can capture notes and collaborate in between calls.

We've scheduled the next Committee call for Wednesday, Nov 1, at 11am ET. I created a recurring calendar invitation hoping we can block this time going forward (every other week), but if we need to change it, that'sÂfine too.

Picking up on some of your suggestions related to partnership opportunities, please review the OASIS Managed Open ProjectÂprogram description as well as the MOP FAQ. We designed MOP to accommodate the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, but there could be potential to use or adapt it to partner with other nonprofit associations that would benefit from having us administer their standards tracks.Â




Chief Development Officer


+1 941-284-0403

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