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board-busdev-thought-leaders message

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Subject: OASIS Opportunity

CISA and the NSA recently released  Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices for Software Bill of Materials Consumption. The very last sentence of the body of the document, in the “Conclusion: SBOM Consumption Today and Tomorrow” section, states:

  • “A vendor neutral open standard set of risk factors that can be aggregated into risk scoring for SBOMs should be developed.”


I would be willing to participate in (but not chair) a new TC to create the standard envisioned. I believe it only takes 5 people in 2 companies to justify starting a TC. Anyone else interested? My belief is that it would kick off a firestorm of activity and result in some new members as well as more participation from existing members. But if we are to do it, we need to move quickly.



Duncan Sparrell

sFractal Consulting

iPhone, iTypo, iApologize

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