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Subject: Re: [ebxml-iic-msg] A (rough) draft of the Test Framework


     I've cleaned up the ebXMLTestRequirements.xsd schema a bit and checked 
it into CVS.  I'm going to start editing the level 2 and 3 test 
requirements documents ( filling in names, re-structuring the <Conditions> 
and <Assertions> ).

     I know that you'll soon be on vacation.  I hope that you have a great 
time in Europe, this time as a pleasure trip :)  If you have any last 
minute things to pass on, let me know.  Will you be in on the conference 
call on Monday are you already gone?


At 10:57 AM 5/30/2002 -0700, Matthew MacKenzie wrote:
>I'm just a bit concerned about the AT-Driver concept, because I think that 
>it is all but handled via the "initiate" action of the TestService.  All 
>that is needed for an "AT-Driver" is a simple tool to kick off a test with 
>a remote MSH, do you agree?
>On Thursday, May 30, 2002, at 10:27  AM, Jacques Durand wrote:
>>- the "Wire" Test Driver is your Test Driver ,just a renaming of Message 
>>test Driver (because it craftsand capture
>>messages at wire / transport level, as opposed to through the MSH 
>>application interface)
>>- the App test Driver is doing same thing,  except it controls the MSH 
>>just for sending messages, and
>>through its Message Service interface (app interface) - could say its a 
>>Test Driver with an adapter to MSH app interface.
>>only useful to drive interoperability tests. The idea here is that for 
>>many (if not all) interop testings,
>>we control test cases from the app layer - we don't mess at wire level - 
>>unless some tests require to.
>>(opinion of the Interop team here?)
>>I'm open to other suggestions.
>>Trying to identify test components needed to support both conformance and 
>>Don't get the "creeps" on this creeping AT driver :)
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Matthew MacKenzie [mailto:matt@xmlglobal.com]
>>Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2002 6:21 AM
>>To: Jacques Durand
>>Cc: ebxml-iic-msg@lists.oasis-open.org
>>Subject: Re: [ebxml-iic-msg] A (rough) draft of the Test Framework
>>This looks quite good, but i am a bit disturbed at how the AT-Driver 
>>thing creeped back in, and what is this "WT-Driver". My understanding was 
>>that we were going to work with the following two concepts:
>>- TestDriver
>>- TestService
>>On Tuesday, May 28, 2002, at 02:22 PM, Jacques Durand wrote:
>>here is an initial draft of the ebXML Test Framework, for review.
>>Clearly, this is just asnapshot of a work still in progress.
>>(still very incomplete, needs editing in many place).
>>But this is to get early feedback, for finding out major problems or 
>>issues as soon as possible.
>>I can serve as ultimate editor for this document, unless someone wants to.
>>But I'd prefer CTTF and ITTF folks to focus on their MS Test Suite docs 
>>(separate from this one)...
>>(from which this doc will borrow anyway, especially in the "Test Case 
>>Representation" section)
>>- As I mentioned before, this document is ONLY intended - a priori - for 
>>a test Framework (architecture, components, functions, interfaces, 
>>mark-up for test cases / test suites, schemas).
>>It does NOT describe the actual test Suites for MS Conformance and 
>>Interoperability: these will be
>>defined in a separate document(s), though they will assume to run and be 
>>expressed with the Test Framework material.
>>- Somehow the draft is still (mostly) focused on MS testing, but the 
>>ambition of the Framework, as it evolves, is
>>to be a basis for testing other ebXML specs.
>>- Note the renaming / modification of Service/Actions, based on some 
>>recent discussions. To be improved...
>>- Please look at the example sequence of Test Steps given in section 3.5 
>>(Executing Test Cases). It is critical to
>>agree soon enough about what test steps are, can do, what is the general 
>>protocol we may follow
>>from one test case to the other, etc.
>>Note: The minutes of the last week meeting(s) are still in the work: a 
>>bit of time shortage right now...
>Matthew MacKenzie
>XML Global R&D
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