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lexidma message

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Subject: Review comment: Pseudocode in the Examples section uses IDs

All the pseudo-code examples in section âA.1 Examplesâ, which are supposed to demonstrate the data model at a serialization-independent level, use IDs to indicate what relations point to. This is problematic because the data model doesnât actually allow any ID properties at the model-level.

Perhaps it might be better to replace the pseudocode in this section with diagrams like in my âunofficial introductionâ: https://www.lexiconista.com/dmlex/

Downside: Itâs a lot of work to draw these diagrams. They cannot be generated automatically.

Upside: The diagrams really do make it clearer to human readers how the model âticksâ at model-level. People who have read the âunofficial introductionâ have responded very well to them.


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