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lexidma message

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Subject: Confusing communication about mailing list outage

It is 19 February today, the migration isnât supposed to have started yet. I have just sent a couple of e-mails to both mailing lists, and I got an automated reply to each which says that the outage has already started (and that it will be longer than announced):

> As part of the ongoing OASIS Open migration from Kavi to Higher Logic Thrive, the OASIS managed mailing lists will be unavailable until Monday, March 4th, 2024. Â
> Please resend your message after that date.

This is probably not true because I see that my messages *have* gotten through to the mailing listsâ archives. But, it is confusing!


Ät 15. 2. 2024 vÂ12:48 odesÃlatel Dr. David Filip <glorfindel@mail.muni.cz> napsal:
Dear all,

this is a friendly reminder that our 2nd public review ends on 29th February 2024.

Please make sure that all technical comments are posted at this time.
TC members are supposed to comment using the TC working list. Only external commenters have to use the comment list.
Please also note that the mailing list and archiving system will be disrupted by technology update between 20th and 24th February. I suggest that it might be best to comment before the discruption and technology change takes place..

Cheers dF

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