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Subject: IMPORTANT: Deadline for joining as an eligible voter for the OpenEoX TC first meeting

OASIS Members:

This is a reminder that October 26, 2023 is the deadline for joining the OpenEoX Technical Committee in time to be eligible to vote at the first meeting. If you want to join the TC as a voting member, you must take action to join by the end of that day.

Note: being a co-proposer of the TC does not automatically add you to the membership. If you are listed as a co-proposer on the charter, you must still join the TC in order to agree to the OASIS policies that govern it.

To join, please go to the main TC page at https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/openeox/ and click the "join group" link under the Roster entry. You can view the charter at: https://tinyurl.com/37p6ehjb

Please let me know if you have any questions or any problems with the above steps.


Kelly Cullinane

Technical Community Program StewardÂ



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