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Subject: Successful SET TC first meeting; congratulations; future housekeeping issues

   Thank you to all who participated and assisted in Friday's
launch meeting for this TC.  Congratulations to elected chair Dr.
Asuman Dogac.  Your TC roster has been updated to reflect
current membership:
   Attendance for the first meeting is recorded here:
   (See the "Track Attendance" hyperlink on that page.)  Going forward,
those roster and web calendar resources will be managed by the TC's
officers.  Dr. Dogac and any person designated as a "secretary" will
have the administrative access to modify the TC roster.  Of course,
membership and voting status must be managed in accordance with the
OASIS TC Process:
   Mary McRae, our TC Administrator (copied here), myself and all of our
OASIS staff colleagues will be happy to assist as needed.  We also
look forward to working with you to bring additional stakeholders to
the committee as your work progresses.

   Please note, persons who did not attend this first meeting should
advise the TC chairs of their intent to remain on the roster.
Additional TC members are welcome and should join using the "Join
this TC" hyperlink at the TC's members page:
   That page also is the access point for other web-based resources for
the committee.

     Regards and best wishes for a successful work program  Jamie

~ James Bryce Clark
~ Director of Standards Dev., OASIS
~ http://www.oasis-open.org/who/staff.php#clark

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