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Subject: RE: [virtio] [PATCH] virtio-net subcommittee proposal

> From: Stefan Hajnoczi <stefanha@redhat.com>
> Sent: Friday, April 7, 2023 12:19 PM

>   In one line, we anticipate that actual spec patch vN to vN+1 should be around
> editorial changes and not design changes.
> I interpreted this to mean finalizing the spec change before sending it to the
> mailing list. That would exclude those who are not members of the sub-
> comittee from providing meaningful feedback and that was the cause for my
> concern.
> Can you illustrate what you are proposing by giving an example of where v1, v2,
> etc are sent and who reviews them?
Patches to send on existing OASIS public forum mailing lists.
It can be either
a. single mailing list of virtio-net + CC to virtio-dev+virtio-comment.
So that all virtio TC members, academic and hobbyists can comment and contribute.
b. existing virtio-dev and virtio-comment mailing list.
Don't have any strong preference for it.

Since all spec WIP patches also done in the OASIS mailing lists, non-members should be able to provide feedback too.
(Like today).

> >
> > " Consults virtio tc, feed and use master virtio specification for
> >    the standard functionality across devices when applicable"
> >
> > So yet again, net SC do not want to bypass main virtio TC.
> This does not clarify the role that the VIRTIO TC plays in the process.
> Is it for editoral changes only? That is the part that I find concerning.
Like we described in the first email, in step 8.d.
Virtio TC reviews AND (followed by) vote.

> What happens when someone on the virtio mailing list requests non-editorial
> changes to a spec change originating from the subcommittee?
Not sure I understood the question.
Let me try,
When subcommittee worked on a spec change, they will send patch for review to virtio TC.
This is step 8.d in my first email.

As usual, it is reviewed today.
If there is design change suggested by virtio-tc, SC goes back and re-evaluate.
If needed, it will redesign.

Those who has interest in such reviews, should definitely be part of the Net SC to have Net SC productive.

If no comments from virtio tc, a week later or so, author ask for vote.

> Sending the patches straight to the virtio mailing list for review by anyone
> reduces the turn-around time if changes are requested by someone not on the
> subcommittee. I don't think reviewing spec patches within the subcommittee
> first is advantageous.
Sure. This isn't a problem.
It is very likely that they are not in a shape yet for wider audience to review as its WIP.
TC members can always comment early on them.

The point is SC members must pass them as they do the work jointly.
TC does on their choice like you described below. 

> To me the idea of a subcommittee is that the TC delegates voting to the
> subcommittee. I'm trying to understand whether your proposal involves that or
> not.
Oh No.
I see your source of concern.
I think, this was the foremost misunderstanding.

Net SC is doing the pre-work of requirements, design and spec writing.
Net SC vote which way to proceed on design aspects and trade off through email based approach.

TC do not delegate the final spec changes to Net SC.
It is for TC to review + vote.

Since the TC members can participate in all the open forums, they are free to comment as usual.
> This does not apply because collaborating on requirements and design is not TC
> business.
Awesome. This simplifies things. I misunderstood this.
> The spec review that happens on the mailing list today is also not TC business.
> When spec changes are brought to a vote then it becomes TC business. The
> vote is conducted by electronic ballot.
Net SC does most of the _work_.
When moving from requirements->design->spec_review, they do email based votes to make forward progress on trade-offs.

Such things are not TC vote.
When spec patch has taken fair shape, it is ready for the TC review.
TC can ignore on mailing list as they wish like today as you describe above.
And TC can only do vote on electronic ballot.

I just want to say that Net SC is a working group of interested virtio TC members who are working on common features.
It is done in a good sprit who share common goal. 
In a structured way for these group of people to make forward progress.

In other consortiums that I was directly or indirectly involved in at nvme, pcie, snia, ocp, they call it working group.
The closest thing in OASIS open is a subcommittee.

So, after receiving feedback from OASIS member, we proceed to have this mini-project in collaboration in structured way.
As mentioned in OASIS open forum visible to virtio tc which is also accessible to non tc members (just like today).

It is not a TC relegate or TC bypass process.

Hope I clarified.

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