Oasis Security Services Use Cases And Requirements

Straw Man Draft 3, 26 Feb 2001


This document describes the requirements and use cases for the Security Assertions Markup Language (SAML) derived by the Oasis Security Services Technical Committee.


This document provides an initial set of use cases and requirements for the Oasis Security Services Technical Committee's (TC's) ultimate product, SAML, an XML standard for exchanging authentication and authorization data between security systems.

Notes on This Document

Requirements are specified as a list of goals and non-goals for the project.

Use cases in this document are illustrated with UML (Unified Modelling Language) diagrams. A link to the UML home page is provided below. UML diagrams are analysis and design tools, and each diagram format can support multiple levels of abstraction. In this document a balance has been struck between using a standard diagram format for requirements elaboration, and maintaining a high level of abstraction.

The document uses UML-style use-case diagrams to illustrate high-level use cases. The following list is probably sufficient as a crash course in UML use-case diagrams:

Use-case diagrams capture high-level functionality of a system or interaction without providing excessive implementation detail.

The document uses UML sequence diagrams to illustrate detailed use case scenarios. For quick reference, a sequence diagram works as follows:

Note that sequence diagrams are often used for more concrete design, and that actors and messages are often objects and object methods. They provide value for this document in that they give a clearly ordered message layout. The actors and messages in the sequence diagrams below are more properly roles in a scenario and actions associated with that scenario.

Readers will probably be interested in the accompanying glossary and issues list.


The requirements describe the scope of the SAML standard.



Use Cases And Scenarios

This section provides a set of high-level use cases for SAML and use case scenarios that illustrate the use case. They give a very abstract view of the intended use of the SAML format. Each use case has a short description, a use case diagram in UML format, and a list of the steps involved in the case.

Note that, for each use case, the mechanics of how the actions are performed is not described. More detail provided in the detailed use case scenarios. Each of these high-level use cases has one or more specializations in the detailed use-case scenarios.

Each scenario contains a short description of the scenario, a UML sequence diagram illustrating the action in the scenario, a description of each step, and a list of requirements that are related to the scenario.

Use Case 1: Single Sign-On

In this use case, a Web user authenticates with a Web site. The Web user then uses a secured resource at another Web site, without directly authenticating to that Web site.


Fig 1. Single Sign-on.


  1. Web user authenticates to the source Web site.
  2. Web user uses a secured resource at the destination Web site.

Scenario 1-1: Single Sign-on, Pull Model

This scenario is an elaboration of the Single Sign-on use case. In this model, the destination Web site pulls authentication information from the source Web site based on references or tokens provided by the Web user.

Single Sign-on, Pull

Fig 2. Single Sign-on, Pull Model.


  1. Web user authenticates with source Web site.
  2. Web user requests link to destination Web site.
  3. Source Web site provides user with authentication reference (AKA "name assertion reference"), and redirects user to destination Web site.
  4. Web user requests destination Web site resource, providing authentication reference.
  5. Destination Web site requests authentication document ("name assertion") from source Web site, passing authentication reference.
  6. Source Web site returns authentication document. This document includes authn event description and authz attributions about the Web user.
  7. Destination Web site provides resource to Web user.

Associated requirements: [R-AuthN], [R-PullMessage], [R-MultiDomain], [R-Bindings] (standard commercial browsers), [R-Reference].

Scenario 1-2: Single Sign-on, Push Model

This scenario is a variation on the Single Sign-on use case. It's called the "push model" because the source Web site pushes authentication information to the destination Web site.

Single Sign-on, Push

Fig 3. Single Sign-on, Push Model.


  1. Web user authenticates with source Web site.
  2. Web user requests link to destination Web site.
  3. Source Web site sends requests for Web user to use destination resource from destination Web site, pushing the authentication information (authentication assertion) for the user to the destination site. This assertion includes authorization attributes.
  4. Destination Web site returns an authz decision reference to Source Web site, recording the decision to allow the user to access the resource.
  5. Source Web site provides user with authz decision reference and redirects user to destination Web site.
  6. User requests destination resource from destination Web site, providing authz decision reference.
  7. Destination Web site provides resource to Web user.

Associated requirements: [R-AuthN], [R-AuthZ], [R-AuthZDecision], [R-PullMessage], [R-MultiDomain], [R-Bindings] (standard commercial browsers), [R-Reference].

Scenario 1-3: Single Sign-on, Third-Party Security Service

In this single sign-on scenario, a third-party security service provides authentication assertions for the user. Multiple destination sites can use the same authentication assertions to authenticate the Web user. Note that the first interaction, between the security service and the first destination site, uses the pull model as described above. The second interaction uses the push model. Either of the interactions could use a different single sign-on model.

Single Sign-on, Third-Party Security Service
Fig. 4. Single Sign-on, Third-Party Security Service


  1. Web user authenticates with security service.
  2. Security service returns SAML authentication reference to Web user.
  3. Web user requests resource from first destination Web site, providing authentication reference.
  4. First destination Web site requests authentication document from security service, passing the Web user's authentication reference.
  5. Security service provides authentication document to first destination Web site, including authorization attributes and authn event description.
  6. First destination Web site provides resource to Web user.
  7. Web user requests link to second destination Web site from first destination Web site.
  8. First destination Web site requests access authorization from second destination Web site, providing third-party security service authentication document for user.
  9. Second destination Web site provides access authorization, returning an authz decision reference.
  10. First destination Web site provides authz decision reference to Web user.
  11. Web user requests resource from second destination Web site, providing authz decision reference.
  12. Second destination Web site provides resource.

Associated requirements: [R-AuthN], [R-AuthZDecision], [R-AuthZ], [R-PullMessage], [R-MultiDomain], [R-Bindings] (standard commercial browsers), [R-Reference].

Scenario 1-3: Single Sign-on, User Session

In this single sign-on scenario, a Web user is logs into a Web site and thus instigates a user session. This session is maintained as the user navigates to other Web sites.

Single Sign-on, User Session
Fig. 5. Single Sign-on, User Session


  1. A user logs onto the source Web site. This results in the creation of a session on the source Web site.
  2. User requests a link to a destination Web site. This link contains an authentication reference/token/ticket.
  3. User requests resource represented by link on destination Web site, including reference.
  4. Destination Web site requests validation of authentication reference from source Web site.
  5. Source Web site returns success or failure, optionally additional session information.
  6. Destination Web site returns Web site to user.

User Session Timeout
Fig. 6. User Session Timeout

Assume that the user has gone beyond the timeout limit on the source Web site.

  1. The source Web site will query each participating Web site to determine if the user has been active on their Web site.
  2. If the user has not been active on any of the destination Web sites within the timeout period, the destination Web sites are instructed to delete the session.

User Session Logout
Fig. 6. User Session Logout


  1. User logs out of the source Web site.
  2. Each of the destination Web sites are instructed to delete the session.

Associated requirements: [R-AuthN], [R-AuthZ], [R-PullMessage], [R-PushMessage], [R-MultiDomain], [R-Bindings] (standard commercial browsers), [R-Reference], [R-UserSession].

Use Case 2: Authorization Service

In this use case, a user attempts to access a resource or service. The security controller for that resource -- a policy enforcement point or PEP -- checks the user's authorization to access the resource with a policy decision point or PDP.

The PDP provides an authorization service to the PEP.

Authorization Service
Fig 5. Authorization Service.


  1. User accesses a resource controlled by PEP.
  2. PEP checks permission for user to access resource with PDP.

Scenario 2-1: Application Chain

This scenario illustrates using SAML within a security zone. A Web user requests a dynamic resource from a Web server. The Web server passes authentication information to an application so that the application can check the user's authorization to execute a method.

Application Chain
Fig 6. Application Chain.


  1. Web user authenticates with enterprise security system. Note that authentication may be through e.g. the Web server.
  2. Enterprise security system provides an authentication reference to Web user.
  3. Web user requests a dynamic resource from Web server, providing authentication reference.
  4. Web server requests application function from application on behalf of Web user, providing Web user's authentication reference.
  5. Application requests authentication document from enterprise security system, corresponding to Web user's authentication reference.
  6. Enterprise security system provides authentication document, including authorization attributes for the Web user, and authn event description.
  7. Application performs application function for Web server.
  8. Web server generates dynamic resource for Web user.

Associated requirements: [R-AuthN], [R-PullMessage], [R-SingleDomain], [R-Bindings] (standard commercial browsers), [R-Reference].

Use Case 3: Back Office Transaction

In this use case, two agents, a buyer and a seller, attempt to execute a business transaction.

Back Office Transaction
Fig 7. Back Office Transaction.

  1. Buyer and seller authenticate that their partner in the transaction is the partner they expect to transact with.
  2. Buyer and seller check permission of partner to execute transaction.
  3. Buyer and seller execute the transaction.

Scenario 3-1: Back Office Transaction

In this scenario, two parties, buyer and seller, wish to perform a transaction. Each authenticates to a security system responsible to their own security zone (buyer security system and seller security system, respectively). They exchange authentication data provided by their security systems to authenticate the transaction.

Back Office

Fig 8. Back Office Transaction.


  1. Buyer authenticates with buyer security system.
  2. Buyer security system provides authentication document to buyer.
  3. Seller authenticates with seller security system.
  4. Seller security system provides authentication document to seller.
  5. Buyer and seller execute transaction, providing authentication documents to each other. Authentication documents include authz attributes and authn event description.

Associated requirements: [R-AuthN], [R-PushMessage], [R-AuthZ], [R-MultiDomain].

Scenario 3-2: Back Office Transaction, Third-Party Security Service

This scenario is similar to scenario 4. The same two parties, buyer and seller, wish to perform a transaction. In this case, however, each authenticates to a third-party security service responsible. The buyer and seller exchange authentication data provided by their security systems to authenticate the transaction.

Back Office

	    Transaction, Third Party Security Service
Fig 9. Back Office Transaction, Third Party Security Service.


  1. Buyer authenticates with security service.
  2. Security service provides authentication document to buyer.
  3. Seller authenticates with security service.
  4. Security service provides authentication document to seller.
  5. Buyer and seller execute transaction, providing authentication documents to each other. Authentication documents include authz attributes and authn event description.

Associated requirements: [R-AuthN], [R-AuthZ], [R-PushMessage].


This document is derived from the following sources:

Other references that may be useful:

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