FFMII-Specification-20120411-v1 0-wd01_JL_entity_20120417_01.docx

Draft (A preliminary unapproved sketch, outline, or version.)


Submitted By Johannes Lehtinen on 2012-04-17 4:24 pm UTC

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OASIS Field Force Management (FFM) TC / Input Documents

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While doing other edits, I noticed that there were still several references to "entity" or "entities" in the spec, even though this Action Item was marked as closed:

2012-03-22-1: Action Item, Thinh, globally replace term ‘entity’ with ‘data type’. CLOSED by FFMII-Specification-20120329-v1 0-wd01

This input contains edits addressing each remaining occurrence of "entity" or "entities".

Submitting this as a separate input to keep other input documents more focused and to make it easier to discard this if it is some misunderstanding on my part.

BR, Johannes